[ private | personal codes | hackable with effort ]
I hate this. Hate the Hunger. Why did it have to come to this, why didn't I fall in love when I had the chance to get out of the deal? This is hell and I want so badly to just feed with no regard to the consequences.
I'm a monster. And I hate it. I hate every minute of it, the constant nagging Hunger, the constant fight. And it'll never go away.
All these people... and they don't have any idea how much of a monster I am.
[ / private ]
Sanya and I find ourselves wondering if anyone would want to be responsible for
Harry Dresden's every action.
We wouldn't mind you riding off into the sunset with him, either. Or over the rainbow. Just know that we're going to blame you for everything he does.
[ ooc; cursed and pretty much hating his very nature, that is, the Hunger that makes him a White Court vampire.
Rest of the post ties back to
this conversation between Sanya and Thomas ♥ ]