Jan 08, 2005 19:21
nice weekend. just what i needed.
still sore from the movies....
good memories from friday night.
guilt for not calling b- koz back.
(mmm my hair!)
went to the basketball game. saw andrew....being a little pun that he is.. haha love you!
hahahahaha - "you got game" "..i got big game" haha niiice leah! you missed it by a mile honey!
rachael...crazy fuckn kid. haha love you!
....oh that's paul?? hahahahahahahahaha nooo dude he's that retarded guy!!
haha wow i feel so alone.......
?? no i'm here.
..thus me being alone....hahahahahahahahaha
haha your laugh!
hate graham james colman douglas like a muther fucker! DIE WHORE
trae huber is my fuckin savior!!!!!