(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 00:56

this has been a crazy few days..monday night chilled with meg and jenny and went night swimming. got out the video camera lol chilled around my house and picked up scott. tuesday things went well. morning started off a little rocky but now i guess is for the best. chilled and went to the mall with guerin. we all came back and crashed at my house. today was absoultly crazy. after some doctors apponitments picking on colleen and chillin at the pool me ryan joe and scott took the train to go see his dad to see batman in IMAX well becasue of the rain our train quit on us in chappaqua. around 6. we had no where to go so we found this pizzaria and chilled becasue the chapaqua village market masent open. (thanks alot leroy family) we spent money on ok pizza and waited for scotts dada he never came but he got a limo to drive us to him becasue all the roads were crazy backed up and closed with floods. so we finally get with scotts pops and drive for an other hour or so trying to get to the movie. well we missed our imax and had to see it on a regaular screen. i didnt care. nad now that leaves me ome. 8 hours later on my computer . well tommrows some baseball game that me and joe were invited to idk. a mets game. big deal. ...

but fuck all that. theres something more important right now.
the same person i met in MrS. Ullmans 4th peiod spanish class singing dropkick songs is gone. me and joe got to spend his last few days with him. tom, if you read this i want to thank you for everything since ive come to know you. stay up, its not the end ill see you in a few weeks and thne the mutha fuckin JOES need to come to NC. this isnt fair. we jsut started hanging out. it seems like thursday came so damn fast. from when i hurd on friday. im gonna miss you man. i dont know what else to say ...

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