(no subject)

Jun 22, 2007 06:41

Well it's been over a month and I've returned back to the states. I was meaning to write in this journal everyday about my unique perspective on a growing nation only to find out that the site was restricted for reasons i'm still unsure about.

Needless to say, I was heart broken. The good news is that I was able to take a million photos and keep my thoughts in a notebook, so i'll slowly be transferring my collected thoughts to here.

And for my first post, i'll leave you with this:

I've recieved one question since my return back to the states: How was your trip? Surprisingly enough it is the most dificult question i've ever had to answer in my life. My vocabulary is just screaming with words like exciting, awesome, and amazing. The same exact words a 15 year old would describe his first date. Don't get me wrong I had the time of my life on this month long voyage through the heart of China but I can't relate that to you because you weren't there. I can tell you endless stories about the revolution part 2 at Tiananmen Square or how I was in the scariest cab ride of my life through little china but how does that involve life in arizona? It doesn't. That part of my life is now in the history books and in a folder on my laptop called CHINA. I was able to capture some amazing images, make some kickass friends, and understand a foreign culture. I got the taste of blood in my mouth and I want to experience what the world has to offer. I've been blessed so far in my young life to do a lot of traveling and see a lot of different things.

I mean for my friends that read this: INDIO. Touring with bands is fun but i'm at there command 24/7 unless I'm drinking underneath a table 7:15 in the morning with my buddy Shaun. Those are rarities though and I understand that. But i've gotten off topic. China is China, a growing super power that will get our attention in about 10 years. I had a lot of interaction with the same students at Wuyi University and I got asked the same question over and over and over again but I loved every minute of it. I'm glad the Conways' allowed me to accompany them on their family vacation, I'm glad I was a cynical bastard, and most of all; I'm glad I found a little of who I am.

I didn't really know anybody going on the trip with the exception of Robert. That was only because I had worked with his band a few times in the past but I really didn't know him. Now out of this trip I can say I made 5 really good friends and that is awesome. I mean I  was in a class with my friend TJ last semester and I didn't say one word to him. It took me flying halfway around the world to become friends with him and that is the biggest difference between the old Tyler and the new Tyler.

If it weren't for the band we started (Doug's kids) on this trip I probally would have gone insane. I'm still an amateur when it comes to playing guitar but I can play the rhythm to Save Tonight; which is awesome. I'm going to miss partying on San Li Tan, going to the pub Poachers, and crawling up stairs hammered. But i'm glad to be able to move onto Peru or Argentina in December and then the move to Thailand and wherever life takes me after that.

IF you ever get a chance to travel abroad JUMP AT IT. American's I've noticed want to see the world but from the comfort of their own home. Turn off the Discovery Channel and discover it for yourself.

I'm looking forward to my next adventure through south america.
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