Apr 26, 2006 19:20
physics are completely impossible. even when an equation is romanized from (v= vo+ at) to final velocity is equal to initial velocity plus accelaration times time, i stopped listening.
last weekend was pretty good. john had his suprise birthday party, which went off without a hitch. well the cake started to melt and then sizzle because they weren't walking fast enough from the trainstation to blow out the candles. i think zoe scraped off all the melted parts, and i don't think john was planning on eating it anyway. i gave him this blackfeather dreamcatcher, it was nice. we all drank a lot that night, then john ended up on the floor and apparently aj and steph danced for hours around him.
i got off at the damen stop on friday with ashley, we went to the brown elephant and stopped in american apparel looking for ryan, he may have been working at the gold coast store though. i'm not really sure. i haven't talked to him in a while, which is unfortunate. we had plans to do yoga at this center down by north, i hear it is free on sunday from 1:00 until 3:00. that would be a nice long session.
keith called me at 2 in the morning on that saturday, i don't really remember what we talked about, he thought i was sleeping though. it was his girlfriend's birthday party- we had all planned on going after the thing at booster and seven, but i mean it all fell apart and the night was over. i should have called her and told her that. he is an interesting person i think. it is nice we are still friends.
i should call nathan about him giving me money for my bike 7 months ago. he is a flatleaver. it is becoming decently awkward. i can barely look him in the eye. keith says he alienates himself from people like that all the time though. i don't take it personal i guess. we just really aren't friends though i enjoy his company.
mark these words.
we also met up with mari to go to a gallery. where we got considerably drunk and talked about nothing. the paintings there were the worst things i have ever seen in my life. a child with many diseases could have done better.
i read this really indepth article on this disease called FOP, apparently you become imprisioned in a second skeleton.
i'm kind of interested in this because it is horrible.
FOP or Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (Fibro-dis-playsha Os-sih-fih-cans Pro-gress-eva) means "soft connective tissue that progressively turns to bone." The earliest documented cases date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1692, French physician Guy Patin met with a patient who had FOP and mentioned the encounter in his writings. In 1740, British physician John Freke of London, England, described at length to the Royal Society of Physicians an adolescent whose diagnosis included swellings throughout his torso:
"Yesterday there came a boy of healthy look, and about fourteen years old, to ask of us at the Hospital, what should be done to cure him of many large Swellings on the Back, which began about Three years since, and have continued to grow as large on many Parts as a Penny-loaf, particularly on the Left Side: they arise from all the vertebrae of the Neck , and reach down to the os sacrum; they likewise arise from every Rib of his body, and joining together in all Parts of his Back, as the Ramifications of Coral do, they made, as it were, a fixed Bony Pair of Bodices."
i have class in minutes.