I'm not too impressed with my first two classes so far, Human Physiology and, um, Tai Chi. Physiology is probably my weakest subject out of all the pre-reqs I have to do and the professor isn't very... inspiring. Oh well. And my Tai Chi instructor is a little wacky, in a nice but slightly creepy way. She sounds like... a humpback whale. "Breeeeath iiiin~~~ breaaaaaath oooOOOooouuut..." Oh, and she totally threw off my chi with this...
"Let's bow to the east.... bow to the west.... and to the south to our brothers and sisters.... AND REMEMBER, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
... and bow to the north... to the icy glaciers and polar bears..."
...um, what?
1. Go to your favorites page on Fanfiction.net or any other fic archive site.
2. Post a favorite fic for each letter of the alphabet. If you don't have a fic whose title starts with a certain letter, just skip it and go to the next one. The more obscure, the better!
3. Add a short quote or a blurb detailing what it's about, why you like it, or why it's underappreciated.
4. You must post at least one fic for every fandom you're in.
5. Have fun!
All True-Hearted Souls by mardia
This was written before Victory of Eagles, but even so, a huge part of me wishes that this happened as well. (Some parts have actually made me confused with some canon things, lol) If you ever need to convince someone that Laurence/Granby might just possibly exist, direct them here. The prose is wonderful like the original books and since this was the first Temeraire fanfic I ever read, I've had high expectations for the fandom ever since.
Bête Noire by grayorca
A British man from the Navy liberates a dragon egg from the French-- and it's not Laurence. This is such an awesome PotC and Temeraire crossover. James Norrington is <3. Well written, wonderful characterization, but sadly on hiatus (or... dead). Read it anyway, there's 14 fantastic chapters.
Cost by laurajslr
A Jedi Apprentice fanfic. Okay, this... this was the first epic fanfic I've ever read. I was twelve and Cost totally set the standards for all fanfic when I started reading. Proper grammar, excellently written, IC, drama, angst, fluff, and a touching and meaningful ending. It was basically like reading a real book in the series. Six years later, the story's just as good and I still tear up. If you like Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's master-apprentice relationship and friendship, you need to read this.
Dementia by SoWrightSoWrong
I've always liked the author's work, but when I found out that she had written a Phoenix/Miles fic with Miles getting alzheimers, I avoided this like crazy for MONTHS. When I finally caved in to feed my PW/ME needs, I devoured this story and bawled my eyes out. It starts off real sweet with Phoenix and Miles growing old together and just... well... there is no cure for alzheimers.
ESGAME by NightWingWriters
The Elven Support Group for Abused and Mistreated Elves. The Elves you've abused in your fics have finally banded together to help each other with their problems.
“As I’ve already said, my name is Dalamar Nightson, and I live here on Krynn. I am frequently portrayed as gay; due to the fact I live in the same Tower as my master Raistlin, to whom I am a devoted apprentice. In those stories, I’m usually quite feminine, for no reason I can divine. I am also frequently shown as a nymphomaniac, likely due to an affair I had with Raistlin’s sister.”
“I am Galadriel, Lady of Lothlorien in Middle-Earth. My most frequent problems are being portrayed as evil, conniving, cruel, and a puppet if I am not evil and cruel, I am the greatest matchmaker for gay couples between Mordor and the Shire. I already contemplated a change of profession. You don't know how awkward it feels to have to tell my comrades about the "true feelings" they have for each other and then have to stalk and bug them until they commit to each other just out of sheer annoyance ”
“My name is Haldir, also from Middle-Earth, and I’m frequently portrayed as her sex toy.”
I'm sorry, but chapter 8 was my favorite.
Four Ways in Vain by
bubonicwoodchuk Gong-Su and James have a talk about duty. HEY. MINOR CHARACTERS! Spot-on dialogue and I just may have this little offscreen scene be part of my mental canon.
Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll by
biogaiden What can you do with an 8059 Hitman Reborn AU? This. Absolutely unique. There are no mafias, no fighting, and no magical rings. But there is a famous pianist and a pro-baseball athlete and broken Hearts.
Hero’s WelcomeLawrence/Ali. I already rec'd this, but I don't mind doing it again, lol.
I'll Find You In The Morning SunPost-play. Prior fixes up his life-- with friends, and family. I... this was beautiful. Prior's voice is so enjoyable.
Just Dance for ChangeObama/America. (PG) America dances with Obama during the inauguration ball. Not crack, but surprisingly very sweet. You can't blame a president for loving his country, after all. ;)
Keeping Time by
mardia The best Hairspray fic I've ever read, with a pairing that took me by surprise, but mardia always amazes me anyway. Corny/Maybelle
Lucky in Cards Unlucky In Love[Eyeshield 21] Little ficlets on Hiruma and Mamori and everything we love (and they hate) about their relationship. <3
MasqueradeAragon and Legolas get captured and go through super angsty and physical torture. This has the makings of a great slash fic, but it's not. It's the best kind of self-sacrificing friendship and what more could you possibly want?
Next Type of MotionYamato aka Tenzo is a new Anbu and is assigned to an odd squad with an even stranger captain. I am totally in love with this author's Yamato, who proves to have a GREAT voice for narration and is as funny, sarcastic, and snarky as hell. Kakashi/Yamato
Only a Signal ShownPost-VoE. I love this fic like crazy. If you aren't buying Laurence/Granby or Laurence/Tharkay, then for the love of god, go for Granby/Tharkay because
meretricula did a fabulous job writing it. Laurence is awesomely, wonderfully, fantastically, and painfully in-character. Granby is <3, but it's Tharkay that plesantly surprises me. (This is how I hope Australia turns out like. No lie.)
PenumbraThe final story in the
Moonverse series. Sparrow/Norrington. Totally in-character, excellent plot, and... lots of hot sex.
Queen of Hearts, Ace of SpadesShe's his Lady Luck and he's her Wild Card Man. Together they're building up a real hot hand. Yeah, they're two of a kind working on a full house. A collection of individual one shots concerning Mamori and Hiruma.
Religious WarGod/America. "One nation… under God."
Shadows Passing by SoWrightSoWrong
Phoenix and Miles go their seperate ways. After three years, they meet again. But they don't know that.
Triple Zero: DSideScenes from Triple Zero told from the POV of Delta Squad. Fixer is generally ignored in the books, but this writer here pulls him off so brilliantly. This is a part of my personal canon, fo'sho.
VideotapeTYL!8059. The saddest thing you'll read all day.
WaitingAxel/Roxas. I've never played Kingdom Hearts, or read the comic, but even *I* know their canon.
This is the Next Life.