Er, kind of late, but here's a fic meme for the year of 2010.
1. Cheat the Reaper
2. Keep the First, I’ll take the Second (Soldier/Scout)
3. Drill Practice (Soldier/Scout)
4. Untitled gift fic for Hez (Spy/Sniper)
5. What You Wanted (Cuanta Vida, Red/Sniper)
6. Your Shades for My Tie (Sniper/Spy, uh, sort of finished?)
7. Entire Team Goes Grocery Shopping
8. All That Matters is Getting This Right (Spy/Sniper)
9. Slainte Mhath, Slainte Mhor
10. Faux Pas (Spy/Spy)
11. TF2 1850s-verse
12. Two Steps Back Together (Spy/Scout's Mom)
1. Dreams
2. The Walrus from Outer Space
1. Temeraire Toy Story AU
2. As It Were (Tharkay/genderbend!Laurence)
3. Prince William/Tharkay AU
Assassin’s Creed
1. Everything’s Okay
2. If Only to Reach You (Altair/Malik)
1. All You Have to do is Call Me
Total number of completed stories: 20, not including drabbles.
Total word count: lol, no. Too lazy, but my average word count per story is 2,000, so maybe some figure over 38,000.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I’m always surprised my how much fic I end up writing. In ’08 I wrote 12 fics and also wrote 20 for ’09. I thought I would be writing way less, but I guess not, lol.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
I never thought I would be playing Assassin’s Creed, much less writing for it.
Oh, and I guess writing
Fu Manchu/Davey Crockett, but I really shouldn’t be surprised by anything that comes out of Team Fortress 2 anymore. :|
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Eh, I haven’t been really happy with my writing lately. The words are starting to come harder for me and I feel like I have to actually think about what to type out, instead of just… letting my brain vomit whatever nerves make my fingers move.
But I did have the most fun writing Temeraire AUs with
pellucere and
mardia ! I mean, seriously. A
Toy Story AU. A
prince/bodyguard AU. Who even thinks of these things? (Hint: we do)
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Slainte Mhath, Slainte Mhor, I wrote in second person for the first time! Second person was really popular in the TF2 fandom, especially for porn, which I didn’t really like tbh. Then I read a Band of Brothers fic that utilized second-person narration in a gen story and I loved it. Natch, I wanted to try it out for myself and it was surprisingly very easy to get into! I had fun with it, but I also think that it’s a very hard to create a story that needs that type of POV because I think it can sound very pretentious if a first/third-person POV would have worked just fine.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
Oh man, I want to finish all my WIPs, especially that JS&MN/Chrestomanci fic that’s been sitting in my hard drive since forever. I also have a huge amount of nearly-finished TF2 fics that I just want out.
I necessarily don’t want to write more, but I do want to write better, especially when I want to articulate myself. There are lots of times when I want to convey something emotional, and it either falls flat or horribly overwhelming.
My best story of this year:
Uh, I’m very fond of the beginning drabble of the
Temeraire Toy Story AU, which kind of reads more like an OC fic, at first. I don’t write a whole lot of kid!fic, but whenever I do, I enjoy it a lot!
My most popular story:
The Entire Team Goes Grocery Shopping, which is the laziest title in history of titles, but I’m often baffled when I see it get reposted on the chan. Baffled, but flattered and maybe even proud. :3c
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Hahha, man, idk. I usually get a comment or two on all my fics, and I’m always happy with that. I gues
s The Walrus from Outer Space turned out to be a little disappointing, but it was for a kink meme, so. It’s a 3rd Rock from the Sun/Inception crossover with Arthur meeting Tommy and being very silly together.
Most fun story to write:
Ooohh, I’m going to have to say
Faux Pas. It was about BLU Spy and RED Spy courting each other via blackmail and playing juvenile tricks on each other! It was also written horribly, which is why I never posted it on AO3 or LJ. It’s stuck somewhere in my dump tumblr. I don’t think I can reread it without wincing in some way, but, man, I breezed through writing it in such a short amount of time.
Most Sexy Story: Well, I… uh. I am not so good with sexy. I do not write sexy things. :|
I guess I’ll say
Drill Practice, because it actually had explicit porn, instead of me being all vague and skittery.
Story with the single sexiest moment: I was told that the kiss between Altair and Malik in
If Only to Reach You was pretty hot. Which, idk, it was meant to be an UST kind of thing, and it had a half-naked and wet Malik, and-oh. Okay.
Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
HAHAHAH. I’m so mild when it comes to fic-writing, so I doubt any of my fics would fall into that category. I think the closest one would be
What You Wanted, which involves Bleu kissing Sniper, while disguised as Red (who is dead), and that it was Sniper who needed it, not Bleu. It was all consenting, in some weird, twisted way.
So I guess what I mean to say is that it’s kind of messed up to ask your co-worker to dress up as your dead boyfriend, just so that you can pretend he’s still alive. :/
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Faux Pas! I think most writers in the TF2 fandom tend to write Spy a little too suave than canon dictates (not even going to touch on the rape!spy aspect here, okay). Not to say that there isn’t anything wrong with that, because I like my share of charming spies too, but Faux Pas allowed me to get back into the spirit of the game-which apparently involves really bad puns, cartoon violence, fail, and excessive amounts of trolling.
Hardest story to write:
Two Steps Back Together. The story itself wasn’t very difficult to write per say, but I did have a hard time deciding what to write about (since it was my Yuletide assignment). I’m horrible when I’m given only characters to work with and no clear prompt, so I stress, especially when it comes to a character like Scout’s Mom, who has so many interpretations. I was worried about displeasing my recipient, so I tried to structure a story that kept her characterization flexible, but still had a distinctive personality that I liked. Even then, I was anxious about portraying the actual relationship between her and Spy, which I happen to be very picky about myself.
Originally, the story was just going to be a light-hearted dinner date with a side of fluff and happy endings, but I knew that I could do better. And I think I did.
Most disappointing:
Cheat the Reaper. Granted, it’s a TF2/Discworld crossover, and that’s already a tall order to fill, but I really didn’t do the research on this one, and I wished I added a little more nods to the series instead of just plopping Death in front of Engineer to have a chat. The whole thing just felt very gimmicky. :/
Easiest story to write:
All that Matters is Getting This Right. I have a huge weakness for writing slice-of-life and quiet relationships. Spy/Sniper is a pretty derpy pairing (all of them are, actually), but there seems to be this kind of rut with the pairing in general. It was nice to step away from the lulz and drama for a moment and focus on the idea of “what if Sniper and Spy were in a normal relationship?” And as an added bonus, I shoved a little headcanon world building as well!
Biggest surprise:
All You Have to Do is Call Me. Ever since the ending of the Ptolemy’s Gate, I’ve always had this plot bunny where Nathaniel gets reincarnated into a demon and meets Kitty’s grandkids, but I never wrote it because the Bartimaeus series is just one of those things that I think is perfect and fine just the way it is. But then I saw this Yuletide prompt, asking for a “happy-ending” AU, so I was, like, I CAN DO THIS. My original plotbunny was a little too tragic for the requester’s prompt, so I changed it accordingly, but overall I was very pleased with it!
Also, the other surprise is that it has a lot of hits on AO3. My face is constantly D: when I see it.
Most unintentionally telling story:
Everything’s Okay came out a little deeper than I thought it would.
Story I’d like to revise:
Everything’s Okay. OOOH, how I wished I was more patient to add more scenes of Altair dealing with the reverse Bleeding Effect! It was for a kink meme, so I think I didn’t try very hard, but as soon as I posted it, I thought of MORE things I should have done, but by then I had already set up the flow of the story where everything was already connected. I don’t know if I’ll actually revise it, but it’s definitely the one that I wish to the most.
Story I didn't write but will at some point, I swear: I want to write this totally angsty fic about Malik being selfish and unforgiving and hating Altair for what he’s done. It’ll be kind of like the opposite of a love story and about unrequited hate. The kicker is that Malik doesn’t show it, at all, and the fic will Not End Well. I’ve got in all in my headspace, and I’m super excited to get to it, but right now I’m writing this other thing that is supposed to be happy and all Altair/Malik fluff, so I have to finish that first before I move on and wow, this is a really long sentence.
Aaaaand, that's it. :U