(warning: is very bloody. but pretty. oh so pretty.)
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The reason why I love L4D? Because everyone freakin' CARES and LOOKS OUT for one another! I'm glad the trailer really puts an emphasis on it, because, GEEZ, GUYS. I am a sucker for teamwork and togetherness. That, and zombie killing sprees. Now, as much as I like the original L4D, the new survivors sounds so, so painfully awesome. DIDJA SEE ROCHELLE? DIDJA SEE HER WITH THAT TURRET? And COACH. Coach may be my favorite on the get-go. He makes me TEEHEE.
And, well, Nick is roguishly handsome in his own right, as well as Ellis being boyishly cute, but Coach, hands down = FAVE SO FAR.
Valve, why do you make your character so awesome? :| And other people, why are you complaining so much about the new survivors? Just because they are not Bill or Zoey (or.. sexy, sexy Louis)... I actually LIKE the fact that Rochelle isn't as pretty as your average VG chick, or that Coach is a little overweight, or the Southern accent on Ellis. Now, I know it's not as racially diverse as some people might want it to be, but COME ON. It's not like you can pick something like one ASIAN, one BLACK, one LATINA, etc, and make it horrifically obvious to get every representation out there. There are only FOUR characters in the game and who knows what kind of relationships they had prior? (Unlike TF2, which I do kinda glance sideways and pout my lips a little.)
Anyway, I don't wanna add more ripples in the pond, so I'll just shut up and watch the trailer again. Have some faith in Valve. They haven't done anything horrific yet. :I
Of course, all this inb4: I'VE ONLY PLAYED L4D ONCE. At a LAN party. *facepalm*
Oh, and I am starting to watch Supernatural. Someone please stop me.