Mar 14, 2004 21:51
stacinator 6761: hi tori, i was reading your live journal thing, and i noticed you were talking about underage drinking, just to let you know i dont condone underage alcohol consumption... jk, i will talk to you later, hope you had a good weekend :-D bye
that's stacy from home....she is so funny!
but actually, i had a very bad drinking experience this weekend. some tips: don't drink when you haven't had any sleep in the past two days or when you don't have anything in your stomach. next, drink gatorade instead of water when you wake up the next morning, because if you're puking, the water can't help you stay hydrated, and even if you throw up gatorade, the electrolytes still help keep you hydrated. oh, and if you're so lucky, have the greatest boy ever there to help you when you are sick :)
oh, that's it for now, i need to be a bit productive before i go to bed.
little t