1st Tutorial

Jan 27, 2007 10:48

Yes! This is indeed my first tutorial! I hope it comes out alright!

We'll be going from THIS to

I'm using ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 7.0.
I have no clue if this is transferable. Sorry. ^^;
Level: Well, beginner with some knowledge of Photoshop.

Ok! Let us get this started!

1. Sharpen, unsharp mask, whatever your rituals are. I used unsharp mask for this because I didn't want it to be too strong.
Amount: 70%
Radius: 2.4 pixels
Threshold: 0 levels

2. Then I cropped the image. I focused mainly around Haine's body. Actually, there really isn't much of a focus point. But I did make sure there was a clear space.

3. Then, I made a new layer and used the text tool.
Font: Century Gothic
Size: 8
Color: #E9C4C4
Stroke: 1pixel, Outside, White.
NOTE: To get to stroke, click Edit>Stroke. Or, in the Layers box, click the little F in a circle on the bottom of the box.

4. Ok, now here comes some textures!
Make a new layer, then paste, or drag THIS texture into the layer. (I can't remember who made this, I'm sorry, comment if you know and I'll give them credit)

After that, flip the texture horizontally, and set layer to darken.

5. Don't worry if it looks too washed out right now, we'll fix that soon enough.
Now copy the first layer and drag it to the top.
Then set it to color burn.

6. Ok, now we're going to work with everyones favorites...CURVES!!!
Ok, so make a new layer
NOTE: To make a new curves layer, do image>adjustments>curves or ctrl+m.
Ok then, now to insert the numbers.





7. Phew! Now that that's done, let us make a new layer.
Copy the first layer again and set it to top.
Change the layer to multiply and then change the opacity to 48%

8. Now then, copy the text layer, bring it to top, and then set it to linear burn, 46%.

Now it is done! Not so hard after all!
You can play around with this all you want, this is only meant to be a guideline. Use your own image, text, anything you want. I hope you found this easy and helpful.

Comments are love...so is showing your work off, I'd like to see how this works with other images.

Oh yea, not to be a whore or anything, but if you liked, you can friend t_instone. It's my graphics journal.


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