Uni has started again, and I'm so not cool with that. ;) We had a lecture today where the guest lecturer told us that as architecture students we were screwed, would make no money, work long hours and that about 50% of clients would think that female architects wouldn't be able to handle large commissions. *rages* It made my friend want to seriously quit after finishing this year.
So to make everything a little bit brighter here is a Zooey Deschanel picspam. She has her own brand of crazy, wacky, awesome and just seems like such fun. *hugs her* :D
Oh yeah and after going through a whole lot of pics of Zooey it turned into a Zooey / Zooey and Emily post because there is some hilarious sibling cuteness going on there. ;)
I like that's she's just a little nuts, because I'm just a little nuts too. ;)
This is like her trade mark crazy-dazed expression, it reminds me of her character in Weeds. Now those were some good times. ;)
ADORABLE! But the blonde hair kinda wierds me out, she looks so different.
Zooey totally agrees. ;)
Yay for dark hair and ferris wheels.
Who doesn't love novelty glasses?
Learning Zooey was a fangirl made me love her times 1 million. The fact she couldn't go up to speak to Dolly Parton b/c she was too overwhelmed is just so yeeeeeee!
I just love this outfit, it's so old school, and so cute!
hehe, and Zooey loved herself in this outfit. :P There are hundreds of pics of her posing all over the place in this. Gotta love her. ;)
I'm just a little bit completely in love with this dress she wore to the Independent Spirit awards. I think maybe someone else might not be able to carry it off but she looked awesome in it. Her dresses are always so much fun, even if they sometimes go a bit too far down the bizzaro path.
This is an example of the slightly overly something something dress. But hey she still works it, hot air ballon skirt and all.
And she's so freaking talented. Her singing voice is so warm and rich, like a really opulent sofa.
Zooey singing "When The Lights Go On Again"And her singing in Elf, which I haven't seen...but secretly want to, just a tiny bit, and just for Zooey. :P
Oh so very very cute. I'm actually trying to teach myself to draw from a book and I'm up to 3/4 turned faces. Maybe I'll try doing this pic and let you see how it goes. Oh course if I fail I'll never tell. :P
And some good 'ol fashioned cast spazing out!
Now for some The Sisters Deschanel. In a delicious sort of chronological order.
Okay Emily slightly reminds me of Lucy Lawless here, and it's starting to make me crazy. :P Click on this pic to see her 'Emily' necklace! CUTE!! Plus much love for her orange jumper. :D
Yeeeeeee adorable!
Okay now I can't stop looking at the guy's hand in the background. :P
Eeee cute! Emily looks so much more normal. But then this is the girl who told her sister she was an Alien who killed Emily and stolen her body. Such good times! :D :D :P
Interview with Emily about tormenting her sisterMan I want that home video
It freaks me out how they look quite different, but when they speak you can totally tell they're sisters.
Mmmm...I like this pic, it's like they're all silently approving each others dresses. And the lighting is all mmmm...delicious.
High on wine! Wooooo!
Sisters and their mum!
My next picspam is totally going to be all about Emily and David! So hot and adorable!
Every red carpet should include dogs to play with.
Hehe, Zooey is such a poser. :P
I like Emily's hair in this pic and the navy sky.
Cuteness explosion!
I hope you guys enjoyed, please comment if you did, or if you want an Emily/David post! :D