I've decided to get back into reading. I use to be the girl who stuffed a towel under her bedroom door so her parents wouldn't see she was up til 3 reading. They were good times. ;)
A while back I had to replace my library card, after a particularly irritating private school girl stole my wallet, I never used my new card, so it hadn't been activated. According to the librarian 'a while back' was three years. I think I might have actually pulled this face o_0, or as close as humanly possible.
I borrowed Robert Jordan - Knife of Dreams, David Sedaris - Me Talk Pretty One Day; Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, Sara Douglass - Starman & Sue Grafton - R is for Ricochet. We'll see if I can pry myself away from the internet long enough to read them. Hmmm...maybe I won't repeat that sentence to my real life friends. ;)
Anyway enough about me, time for some serious picspamage to celebrate the holidays.
My favourite thing about Lauren Graham and Kate Walsh is their capacity to be utterly beautiful and completely quirky. Magazine photoshoots hardly ever show their true dorky goodness so I went nuts and spent hours looking through 'public appearance' photos to find their true coolness. To paraphrase, here's an excuse to post some pretty! ;)
Lauren Graham
This is an example of the utterly beautiful I mentioned.
She's so much fun. She'd be such an awesome friend. If you haven't checked out her interviews with Ellen on youtube do it now. Her capacity for the random surpasses my own.
So pretty.
I'm not sure why I like this so much, maybe it's my secret love of pinks and blue.
She's so cute, it's a crime!
Ok this is mostly because of the expression Sookie is pulling. ;)
I wish my mum was this cool.
One of my fav things about public appearance photos are the endless possibilities for fandom crossovers. Six feet under!
Okay I don't really watch Raymond, but his expression is similar to what mine would be if I saw Lauren. ;)
I like how even when she is looking awesomely awesome she seems a little bit self conscious.
Bow before the glory of her ponytail! :P
Pretty sky!
She's got that Lorelai thinking expression going on. She really is just so awesome. I am an unashamed Lauren fangirl.
Do you think they're counting? I hope your bandwidth can handle just one extra pic, I know mine can't...over my download limit again. *le sigh*
Kate Walsh
When I saw this my mind exploded a little. How can a 39 year old look so good?
She can wear the ponytail just as well as Lauren.
Time for some silly.
It must be such hilarious fun working on Grey's.
This pic made my year, there is just so much awesomeness. The dogs expression is hilariously perfect.
She looks gooood in a t-shirt.
She knows where the cool's at. ;)
I really like this pic, it's just so old fashioned looking. (in a good way)
No caption required. ;)
She looks so bored! But I love this pic all the same.
Not quite as self conscious as Lauren. ;)
I love the lighting in this pic. Plus I am so jealous of how redheads look so freaking good in blue and green.
Aw, cute.
It's a crime there are so few pics of Kate and Sara together. I mean can't you just feel the awesome?
*explodes* Okay a pic with Kate and Janel, my life is complete.
And finally...a good note to end on I think. ;)
Here are the links to the sites where I got the pics. If you want the full sized pics just ask, I am anal so I had to make them all the same size. ;)
Lauren pics from
http://www.lauren-online.net/Kate pics from