hey guys.. did nothing today.. was supposed to go to schoo buht didnt.. hehe ok well i got this from arielle!
First Name: - tAmmY
2. Were you named after anyone? - nOpE
3. Do you wish on stars? - yAh.. :\ buht usualy DONT come true
4. Which finger is your favorite? - miDdLE! haha >.<
5. When did you last cry? - toDay :[
6. Do you like your handwriting? - nAwh.. ish ugLY
7. What is your favorite lunch meat? - i uNNo
8. Any bad habits? - yAh.. buhT its BAD so im noT gon sAy it
9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? - sOMe clAssicAL muSiC
10. If you were another person, would YOU be friends w/you? - yAH
11. Are you a daredevil? - dEPenDs if iM in thE "moOD"
12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? - onLY iF the pErson lET me
13. Do looks matter? - iN reLationSHips.. hRM.. like 45%
14. How do you release anger? - >.< thats MY secRet
15. Where is your second home? - kORea oR hAwAIi
16. Do you trust others easily? - dEPenDs
17. What was your favorite toy as a child? - stuFFed AnImALs
18. What class in school do you think is totally useless? - hiStory! oMG!
19. Do you have a journal? - yUP.
20. Do you use sarcasm a lot? - yAh! hahaa ALOT ALOT
21. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? - nAwh.. buHT i watcHed a couPle
22. What do you look for in a guy/girl? - peRsonAlity//stYle[clothes.hair]//eyEs
24. What are your nicknames? - sHmo//jAmji//tAmms//tAnky
25. Would you bungee jump? - yAH!!!! id LOVE TO
26. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? - nOPE
27. Do you think that you are strong? - nopE! thats WHy i gO to tHE gYM
28. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? - hRm.. rOCky roAd//jAmocA almoND fuDge
29. Shoe Size? - 7 1/2
30. What are your favorite colors? - PINK!!!! white/black
31. What is your least favorite thing? - bEIng bORED!
32. How many wisdom teeth do you have? - o.O? i uNNO
33. How many people have a crush on you right now? - i UNnO . yOU tell ME
34. Who do you miss most right now? - [that sPeciAL guY]//MiddLE schOO
35. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? - .. if thEY waNT
36. What color pants are you wearing? - jEanS[skIRt]
37. What are you listening to right now? - heAve[cANdle lighT remIx]: DJ SAMMY
38. Last thing you ate? - k-tOwn FOod
39. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? - PINK!!!!! fer sher
40. What is the weather like right now? - hoT!!! uGH.. tOO hot
41. Last person you talked to on the phone? - stePHIE
42. The first things you notice about the opposite sex? - stYle[clOTHes.hAir]
43. Do you like the person who sent you this? - welL. she diDNt sent iT to mE.. i TOok iT from hEr.. hehe soRRy arIelle.. and YAH i lIKE her
44. How are you today? - bORed :\
45. Favorite drink? - hRm.. anYtype oF juICe
46. Favorite alcoholic drink? - pinA coLAda//strAwberRy dAquerie//[vRIgin]
47. Favorite sport? - bAsketbALl//trAck
48. Your hair color? - reDish. bloDiSh. bRowniSH
49. Your eye color? - gReY [coNTacTS] -o.G.- bRown
50. Do you wear contacts? - yUP.. i juST sAid thAT
51. Siblings? - bRothER..
52. Favorite month? - oCtOBer!!!
53. Favorite food? - iTalIAN!!! o yAAh!!!
54. Last movie you watched? - HONEY
55. Favorite day of the year? - hRm.. i uNNO..
56. Are you too shy to ask someone out? - guYs are sUppoSEd to Ask gALz ouT
57. Scary movies or happy endings? - BOTH!! i loVe the ruSH of scAry moVIes.. and crYIng at hAppy enDIngs
58. Summer or winter? - dEpenDs..suMmer=bEach.vacation winter=snowboarding.vacation
59. Hugs or kisses? - boTH :] ;]
60. Relationships or one night stands? - ReLatIONshiPS!!
61. the bitch i stole it from
62. took out
63. the questions --- hahah!!
64. Living arrangements? - hoUSE up iN the hiLLZ.. of WEST HILLS haha
65. What books are you reading? - i hAte ReaDIng.. mAgazines are nICe
66. What's on your mouse pad? - a puPpy :P
67. Favorite board game? - hRM. mOnoploLY.. i guEsss
68. What did you watch on TV last night? - PREViewS to ONE TREE HILL!!!
69. Favorite smells? - fRuity sMellz.. hehe
70. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? - dAMn iTs eARly!!!!
[my adDed questiONS]
71. Do you like anyone? - of cOURse.. i miSS him
72. What do you like about him? - stYLe. clothEs. cuTe. pErsOnaliTy. haiR
73. Astrologic sign - LIBRA!!!!!!
74. DOB - 10/13/89
75. ONE best friend - STEPHIE MINJI KIM .. love you with all my heart
76. Number one CD in your collection - ASHLEE SIMPSON. autobiography.. ko0 CD
77. WHat item do you really want? - CHRISTIAN DIOR saddle bag//accesories COACH sunglasses [MIGHT GET BOTH!!!! :] :] ]
78. Favorite Actor/Actress - CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY!!! OMFG!! hes so HOt!! anD jEssICa ALbA
79. Have you ever been in love? - yaH.. :\
80. Are you happy your done with this survey? - ..well sorta.. buht now i dont have anyhting to do!