Apr 25, 2006 23:19
start transmission......
So yea, as everyone knows I have been a wee bit stressed out lately. I had a big huge project due today (Tuesday) and another paper due Tuesday as well in my english class. It has been a long weekend...Friday I went to bed around 2am, Saturday i went to bed around 3:30am...and Sunday i didn't sleep...i finished my project at 10am on MOnday (when I left L and V's apartment, V was sleeping on the couch....i hope i didn't wake her, i'm sorry if I did V!) and then went to my parents house where I had planned on going to bed until i had to leave around 5 to be at work at 6. However, M wanted me to go outside with her while she did yard work. SO M and Mr. B and I all went outside and did yard work and Mr B and i played a little bit as well. After that I made lunch for us (chicken fries and french fries, there seems to be a fry theme at M and D's house). WE ate and then I layed down on the couch...soon after Mr B had his undergarments refreshed he joined me on the couch and literally 30 seconds later he was out like a rock. So Mr. B and I napped on the couch for two hours. At that time M woke me up so that I could fill up the car with gas and get ready to go. I finished my laundry (folded it and put it in the car) and then found something that I could eat for dinner and then I went back to richmond. I went to work at 6 til about 9:30 maybe and then I came back to my apartment and worked on my english paper for a few hours...i went to bed around 2 am and woke up at at 7:45 and went to my 8am class. I then proceeded to go to the library where I worked on my powerpoint presentation on my classs.....
So I go to my 2pm class HPEX 356-all on theories and stuff...and I have to give my presentation....two people get up and go and do their thing and then my professor tells me it's my turn....on of the people didn't show up....So I am doing my presentation (and i look all snazzy because i'm wearing my new suit that my mom gave me, we were supposed to look professional...) and i get to one of my slides on powerpoint and i notice that one of my things is wrong.....i had in there 6 months and it was supposed to be 30 days...ugh, so i then question myself and i start freaking out in my head and come to the conclusion that i must be thinking about the next stage and i just go ahead and do it as is....so at the end of my presentation my professor asks some questions and one of his questions was on that....so i answer it and he's so ok good. SO all night i was freaking out because I just didn't feel like it went very well...so yea, long story short or not so short depending on how you look at this entry.....I just got an email from my professor.....
I'm happy about that!
Now I just have to worry about how I did on the paper and stuff! yea....
So yea that's my information for tonight....
It's hot as dutch love.....i want to just rip off all my clothes.....or just take a really cold shower.....i feel ucky because of all the sweating i'm doing right now.....come on fan...work!!!!!
Hope you are all having the most fabulousss days everrrrr!!!
Ohhhhh......and Congratulations Meena!!!