The plush sorting event went well. There were a lot of plush to be sorted out into bins. Clean/like new, ripped/torn and dirty/soiled bins. Most of the plush came from Goodwill stores of the LA area and other secondhand stores. A surprise appearance by
phoenix_audubon to help out. I looked thought the pile to see if there was any worthwhile plush. There was some I found. Small to medium. 3 large trash bags full. Some plush are gifts to fellow furs, who I know will like them. I'm not telling who though. Its a surprise. :P Phoenix found some to his liking too. There weren't any big ones. Just some medium ones and a LOT of small ones. Also there was hard plastic dolls and strange stuff in the mix. They all went into the plastic box. I called the strange stuff box. There were kids and adults helping sort out the plush. I kept an eye out for that special plush. I mostly got some bears, bunnies, a koala and otters. I even found a flower pillow. While Phoenix found a plush care bear mask that looked nice. :) Not even one squirrel was in the pile. After the event. Some of the helpers went to a nice burger joint called Cisco Burgers. There were right next door to the famous West Coast Choppers facility. One building looked like a fortress with the metal doors. I had the rib eye steak sandwich with french fries and onion rings. It was mighty tasty and really filled me up. After we said goodbyes, I headed home. I took one picture to get an idea how the working plush pile was. Once the pile was smaller. More boxes that you see in the picture came from the food bank warehouse close by. About 20 more boxes were dumped on the pile. Enjoy. :)
- S
Lots pf plush!