might as well start off good

Dec 23, 2007 14:56

so yeah this is my first entry to this live journal shit, heh whats up guys I wonder how long I can keep these up for. so yeah anyways i dno't feel like explaining my lifes story I'm just gonna make one about a normal day in T hOts world lol. so yeah I'm just gonna make this one about last friday the 21st.

shit this was awhile ago lolz, I been workin random hours lately so yeahi'll say what i can lolz.
11am time to wake up I went to sleep at like midnight the night before so I was obviously over sleepin, damn ti was a struggle to get up though. friday and feelin lazier then ever, I hate feelin like that espically on a good day like friday, it was pay day that day as well. so now I gotta plan my day out what am I gonna do? well I have to go to work at 6pm so i don't got much time heh before i gotta get goin. anyways so the first thing i do is wanna avoid conflict with my dad if he ranodmly shows up at home(he comes home randomly whenever and who knwos what mood he's in when he gets home) so I diecide to clean up the house lol. and while I clean the house I turn on my music(oh yeah my up stairs neighbors complain everyday i have my music on even it's it's low they are so fucking anal I'm not even allowed to play music without them throwing a fit) but today i didn't care i blasted my music LOL diecided to think fuck the world at that point. after awhile I'm jammin out i hear my neighbors banging on the floor with somethey such fuckin bustas (obivously trying to tell me to turn down my music i really didn't care today though) so yeah eventually i clean up the house and it's lookin sweet. it's like 12 30 by now what to do now? well it's friday i should probably get my pay check and go shopping. but I'm in the mood for some cigarettes oh wait my ID is gone and no one believes me when I say I'm 21 so I'm fucked with that. so I get angery at that I needa ID but I also need my license lolz so I figure i knock both those out at the same time, only way for me to get my license is to pass that damn permit test, and yaw niggas know I have trouble with that test(only god knows why cause i don't) last time i took it was 2 weeks ago and i used my 3rd chance so now i gotta repay to take it and I'm low on money shit sucks. so i get all ready to go pickin up quaters behind the couch so i can ride the bus LOL(I really was lookin under couch pillows and shit) eventually i get all the pennys i need to ride the bus. I get to the bus stop and this nigga was smokin a joint (LOL!!!) gotta love cali anyways he let me hit that shit a couple of times. and we start havin a bogus convo on the bus, anyways my bus stop comes up and he gives me a freebee joint as i get off, WOW today must be my lucky day! I think anyways i go to the DMV feelin goooooood i fill out the papers they give me not waiting long and they call me(that had to be the fastest time i waited at the DMV) anyways I get to the counter hoping that they don't tell me "you took it 3 times you have to wait 6 months before you take it again". but the guy says "it says here you only took it twice (i know i took it three times the other guy just forgot to put it down thank god!) lol so i was happy with that didn't have to pay or take my picture and BS again so they give me the test and i take it. now I'm baked and takin the test so my attitude was like "fuck it" lol. i finish the test and pass with flying colors only miss 1 answer LOL FINALLY after all these years i got it LOLz, after losing it once as it is. anyways i got it and called in to start behind the wheel appointment(I've been drivin for years i got this) yeah so i got that down and i got money for a car too so I'ma get a car same time i get my license and lifes good afetr that =D. yeah so after i get outa the DMV waitin for my next bus to come, i get a call it's my dad all i can think is "fuuuuck whats this nigga want?"(lol) telling me he got the CHARGER TICKETS for the monday night christmas eve speical!!!!!! I've been waiting for those tickets all year and we got em yesssssssssssss i can't wait!!!! so yeah friday was a good day but that wasn't all of it I'm just cuttin it short cause people probably stopped reading this already, if your one who kept reading come back cause i'll have tons more action packed adventures of T hOts world lolz.

peace from the streets
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