slowin down

Apr 05, 2008 23:16

again it's been awhile since i posted here i dunno why lots has been goin on but i forget all the cool stuff i'll just write what i remember lol. anyways so smash brothers brawl came out and i was playin it alot when it first came out and it seemed good just cause i didn't know what was really goin on lol, but now I feel like it's good just not as good as melee was heh at least not yet, i'll still keep playin just to see what goes on with it but not to much. so besides brawl theres work heh, works been pretty shitty just cause i have no hours, but whatever i really don't care what happens to me there if i got fired today i wouldn't care lolz, I'm gettin closer to gettin my license so when that happens I'm sure I'll have a car right after that and then a better job, only reason I'm not lookin for other jobs is cause most other places are gonna be the same as mervynz so i hope i pass my test on tuesday(3 dayz) well I hope i get someone to give me a ride to it cause I've had 3 tests so far I've gone to none cause i have no one to take me lolz.  um music lifes been kinda slow cause either I'm brawlin or watchin basketball/playin ball yeah basketball has really taken over me lately I've only missed like 6 lakerz games this season(huge laker fan of course) and even if lakerz aren't on i'll watch some other teams play western conference is hella close can't miss a single game and theres only 6 left omg!!!!! the gyms been taken over still heh I still go very frequently gettin stronger every day ;) and I'm alwayz losin weight, been runnin like 6 miles daily lol. my very good freind sean moved up here to cali as well and thats freakin sweet we been hangin out alot he lives real close to me so thats cool, we brawl play ball or tennis haha and look for jobs for him heh he needs one bad nigga hella broke. speakin of jobs i went to a modelin interview the other day filled with alot of people and they seemed to like me alot they said this nigga Teee hOt is tooo hot lol, it went pretty good though they want me to call them back on monday i'll see, they said they want me to take some classes though before i can get a job with them and classes are expensive so i dunno i'll talk to them monday hopefully that goes well lol. so yeah lifes good right now hopefully things go right and get better heh that would be great, but yeah thats all the update i can say right now

see yaw next time haha
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