When is a Floodtide not a Floodtide? When it's a Flood Tide.

Jan 03, 2011 23:50

Continuing the catch-up game, let's turn our minds back to the Real Avengers (in a review from 9th May last year... yes, this is catching up...):

Avengers 27 (April, 1966)

Four Against the Floodtide!

Stan Lee, Don Heck and Frank Giacoia

More of the same as last issue, really: the Avengers fight Attuma, whose mothership giant submarine base thingie has its windows smashed two more times, and forget that they were meant to rescue the Wasp, who does not appear in a single panel this issue. The threat of Attuma makes the three male Avengers forget to squabble with each other, at least for most of the time. The Beetle pops up in the Avengers HQ, as previewed in the shadows the previous issue, apparently to provide an action scene or bulk the story up to 20 pages. Giacoia’s inking is not as good as the previous issue, but Stan doesn’t have Cap noticeably irritated with Hawkeye.

I’m sorry I don’t have more to say on this one. Oh, alright then: I wonder why Stan puts a hyphen in the word ‘floodtide’ on the cover blurb. Just idle curiosity, really. I suppose that the mini-flying-sub Hawkeye borrows from Reed Richards looks different on the cover from the one in the interior because Stan didn’t show Don Heck the cover or Jack Kirby the interior. Money for old rope, editing Marvel comics was.

heck, avengers, lee, 27, marvel, kirby

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