Haurvatat Pet List

Jul 06, 2019 19:02

Hopefully this is pretty self-explanatory. The following is a list of known pets in the village. To add your pet to the list, please cut-and-paste this form (completed, of course) to new comment on this post. The list will be updated with the new info. Thanks!

Haurvatat Pet List
[last updated: 15 Jul 2009]

Name of Owner(s): Guy of Gisborne [broodsinleather]
Species/Breed: Horse
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Lucas North [ancient_ofdays]
Species/Breed: Flat Coated Retriever
Sex: Male
Age: 12 weeks
Medical Issues: Needs to be fixed at some point

Name of Owner(s): Adam Monroe [makemethe_hero]
Species/Breed: Calico kitten
Sex: Female
Age: 8 weeks
Medical Issues: none

Name of Owner(s): Carlos Olivera and Alice Abernathy [corporalolivera, aliceextinction]
Species/Breed: Mixed breed feline
Sex: Female
Age: 7 months
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Joe Morelli, Stephanie Plum [givesgood_pizza, bh_stephplum]
Species/Breed: Golden Retriever
Sex: M, Neutered.
Age: 3
Medical Issues: Occasional gastrointestinal issues due to the fact that he's a canine garbage disposal and eats... anything

Name of Owner(s): Molly Carpenter (and Carlos Ramirez) [frankenhooker20, wardenramirez]
Species/Breed: Collie
Sex: Male
Age: uh... about 2
Medical Issues: none

Name of Owner(s): Allison Young (Marcus Wright) [from_palmdale, not-a-good-man]
Species/Breed: little grey kitten
Sex: male
Age: wee!
Medical Issues: needs to be fixed, soon.

Owner: Brisco County, Jr. [county_jr]
Species/Breed: horse
Sex: M
Age: 9yrs
Medical Issues: none

Name of Owner(s): Hermione Granger [besttoknowitall]
Species/Breed: domestic cat/kneazle.
Sex: male
Age: at least 4 maybe older.
Medical Issues: None.

Name of Owner(s): Benton Fraser [const_b_fraser]
Species/Breed: Half wolf
Sex: Male
Age: 3
Medical Issues: Deaf, been shot recently, but is recovering well.

Name of Owner(s): Shasta [horse_and_boy]
Species/Breed: Tribble
Sex: Not sure
Age: Young?
Medical Issues: Unknown

Name of Owner(s): Faramir [faramir_hurin]
Species/Breed: Horse (part meara)
Sex: Male (gelding)
Age: Unknown. 7-8
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Ivy [addingtothesum]
Species/Breed: Black and white kitten. :p
Sex: Male
Age: Not quite a year.
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): John Connor, Derek Reese (mostly) [not_johnconnor, soldier_reese]
Species/Breed: grey and white tuxedo cat
Sex: female!
Age: under a year
Medical Issues: none!

Name of Owner(s): Cassandra, Jack O'Neill, and Samantha Carter (whether she likes it or not) [musthaveadog, jack_youbetcha, schrodingerscat]
Species/Breed: Orange and white Huskie canine
Sex: Male
Age: 1 year
Medical Issues: Neutered

Name of Owner(s): Anne Elliot [elegnceofmind]
Species/Breed: House cat (calico)
Sex: F (spayed)
Age: 4 mos
Medical Issues: None

Honey Brown
Name of Owner(s): Richard B. Riddick, Constanza Murphy [b_for_bastard, lt_murphy]
Species/Breed: Great Dane
Sex: M, Neutered.
Age: 2.5 (was six weeks old as of Christmas '07)
Medical Issues: None.

Unnamed Tribble
Name of Owner(s): Honey Brown (by extension, R. Riddick, C. Murphy) [b_for_bastard, lt_murphy]
Species/Breed: Tribble
Sex: Hermaphrodite, neutered.
Age: Undetermined
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Spock [commander_spock]
Species/Breed: Domestic Sehlat
Sex: Male
Age: Older Male
Medical Issues: Broken tusk.

Name of Owner(s): Gary Seven / Supervisor 194 [beta_five]
Species/Breed: Metamorph Cat (treating the cat as her primary form)
Sex: Female
Age: Young and in good health
Medical Issues: none

Name of Owner(s): Romo Lampkin [remoteobserver]
Species/Breed: He's a mutt :)
Sex: Male
Age: Romo doesn't know. Young-to-mid adult.
Medical Issues: He's lived through wars and rebellions and general chaos and his owner's a drunken weirdo, so probably some psychological trauma :D

Name of Owner(s): Michael Vaughn [a_broken_watch]
Species/Breed: Orange tabby kitten
Sex: Female
Age: about 8 weeks
Medical Issues: none

Name of Owner(s): Ranger (and Lilah Morgan) [range_wizard, notorious_miss]
Species/Breed: Siberian Husky
Sex: Male
Age: About one year
Medical Issues: none!

Name of Owner(s): Carolyn Fry, Jack Aubrey, Angel and Max [notyourcaptain, goldilockaubrey, angel_xperiment, wingsandprayers]
Species/Breed: Half mastiff, half something
Sex: female
Age: five months
Medical Issues: Needs to be fixed soonish

Name of Owner(s): Harry Dresden [wizard_p_i]
Species/Breed: Small cat, white with grey and orange spots
Sex: F (spayed)
Age: About two (she was a month or two old when Harry got her for Christmas '07)
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Jenny (Doctor's Daughter) [jennygenerated]
Species/Breed: Ginger Tabby Cat
Sex: F, spayed
Age: 7.5y (cat years), 6 months (human years)
Medical Issues: none

Maggie, Bosie, Gogol, Cairo
Name of Owner(s): Valentine Brack [lemon_jiffy]
Species/Breed: Mastiff, half mastiffs
Sex: f, m, m, m
Age: 2, 5 months, 5 months, 5 months
Medical Issues: none

Name of Owner(s): Elim Garak [cardassian_spy]
Species/Breed: Desert Regnar
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Medical Issues: none

Mughi (not really a pet...)
Name of Owner(s): Yuri, Kei [luvlianjel_yuri, luvlianjel_kei]
Species/Breed: Coeurl (alien big cat species)
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown, young
Medical Issues: None

Mr. Frog
Name of Owner(s): George Lass [peanut_george]
Species/Breed: Albino Argentine Horned Frog (aka "Pac-Man Frog")
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Medical Issues: None

Olóre mi’n Erume (Dream in the Desert--Quenya)
Name of Owner(s): Faramir [faramir_hurin]
Species/Breed: African Serval
Sex: Male
Age: 1 year
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Stuart Dakin (and Toorop, sorta) [its_a_gerund, dayidied]
Species/Breed: Large Black half-mastiff
Sex: M
Age: 5 months
Medical Issues: Needs to be fixed soon.

Pigwidgeon (Pig)
Name of Owner(s): Ron Weasley [red_haired_hero]
Species/Breed: Scops Owl
Sex: Male
Age: 6
Medical Issues: None

Prince Terrien (PT)
Name of Owner(s): Leslie Burke [queenleslie]
Species/Breed: Dog, breed unspecified
Sex: Male
Age: 1 year
Medical Issues: None

Puff Puff
Name of Owner(s): Dayna Mellanby [mellanby]
Species/Breed: Tribble
Sex: Neuter
Age: Unknown
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Kyra [kills_slavers]
Species/Breed: Rottweiler
Sex: Male
Age: 2 (was 6 months when she got him for her birthday last year)
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Joe Morelli, Stephanie Plum [givesgood_pizza, bh_stephplum]
Species/Breed: Orange and white hamster
Sex: Male.. probably
Age: unknown
Medical Issues: none

Name of Owner(s): Harvey Dent [da_harveydent]
Species/Breed: Dog - Toller
Sex: F
Age: 1 yr
Medical Issues: None, she's a healthy girl!

Name of Owner(s): Michelangelo, Raphael [theniceturtle, thebadturtle]
Species/Breed: cat [Savannah Mix]
Sex: Female, soon to be spayed.
Age: 4mos.
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Joslire and Laura Ise-i'let [knife_fighter, prophetepiphany]
Species/Breed: Dog/Greyhound
Sex: Female
Age: 10 months
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Ivy [addingtothesum]
Species/Breed: Tribble
Sex: Neutered
Age: Ageless
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Vila [allergictofear]
Species/Breed: fixed tribble.
Sex: girly
Age: guesses a few months.
Medical Issues: none so far.

Name of Owner(s): Data [data_soong]
Species/Breed: Domestic Cat
Sex: Female
Age: Middle Age
Medical Issues: Currently pregnant again by Crookshanks.

Name of Owner(s): Shasta [horse_and_boy]
Species/Breed: Yellow Lab
Sex: Male
Age: 2 years old
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Zenon Kar, Richard Winters [zenonkar21ce, notaquaker]
Species/Breed: Golden Retriever Canine
Sex: Male
Age: 1 year
Medical Issues: Neutered

Name of Owner(s): Ros Myers [always_manages]
Species/Breed: DSH, Grey and white cat
Sex: Male
Age: 8 weeks
Medical Issues: None

Name of Owner(s): Spock [commander_spock]
Species/Breed: Tribble
Sex: Neuter (though Vila claims it's male)
Age: Unknown
Medical Issues: None

Owner: Tristan Farnon [t_farnon]
Species/Breed: Harlequin Great Dane
Sex: M, neutered
Age: 3yrs
Medical Issues: none

Name of Owner(s): Marie [elegyoflife]
Species/Breed: Tribble
Sex: Fixed tribble?
Age: 4 months
Medical Issues: None

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