
Sep 05, 2007 23:53

This is a pimping post for

1) A great, wonderful Harry Potter vid to the Snakes On A Plane song. No need to know the movie to like that vid. You probably should like Harry Potter to be able to enjoy it.

2) The House Halloween Party. Come As You Aren't!

3) The general awesomeness that is Due South. Anybody who hasn't watched that show yet should go and do so right away. It has a singing Mountie, ghosts and guys sitting in dark closets. And there's a wolf. What are you waiting for?

4) The general idea of HOUSE SEASON 4! Guys, please, for the sake of all our sanity, just show us the damn episodes! This fandom is good and well going crazy. Not that it wasn't before, but the hiatus is not doing anyone any good.

Yes. Now go enjoy the awesomeness. Fandom, I love you.

vidding: vidrec, fandom: general

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