Fright Night

Aug 21, 2011 12:21

So yesterday I went to see Fright Night with mind_the_tardis, sandsdream and earlwyn.

I loved it.

It was cheesy 80s horror, but it avoided all the horrible cheesy 80s horror tropes as well as it could. Women weren't completely useless, nerds weren't completely oblivious, and it didn't overdo the silly horror effects too much. Not perfect by far, but decent enough to be enjoyable. If you like that kind of thing, that is, of course.

Oh god David. David. Love. His role was the BEST. He was this tall, clumsy man with an enormous attitude badly covering the fear of being rejected, of not being liked, and of failing at being the person he and others want him to be. Sounds super-emo. I'm sure it could be. In the film, it was just silly and ridiculous and endearing.

The part I possibly liked best about Peter Vincent was his relationship with his girlfriend Ginger. It consisted of the two of them cussing each other out and flipping each other off, but secretly being ENORMOUSLY ATTACHED to each other. I want someone to play a Peter to my Ginger. Which I don't have yet, but I'm sure I'm going to have one soon.

Colin Farrel had way too much fun being a vampire. The kid who played the main character actually wasn't horrible. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and want to see it again, so I am going to have to squeeze at least one more, possibly two more theater visits into the remaining days of my stay here in the US. Seeing it with three other fangirls certainly helped.

I'm sure I'd have more thoughts, but I gotta run. Any questions, squee, whatever, feel free to leave them in the comments. :)

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