Ye Olde Icon Meme

Dec 21, 2010 11:23

1. Reply to this post and I will pick 6 to 8 of your icons.
2. Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts, creating a never ending cycle of icon squee.

mind_the_tardis gave me:

I am not a fan of Jack Harkness, generally. But by ways of being into Doctor Who, I end up talking about Torchwood now and again--so I felt I needed a Torchwood-related icon. (And then, of course, Children of Earth and Moffat happened, and now I'm probably going to be more into Torchwood than Doctor Who, but that's only tangentially related to this icon.) Anyway, I like the colors in this icon, and I like the smarmy, slightly uncomfortable undertone it has--because Jack, and generally Torchwood, are smarmy and ambiguous and should make you slightly uncomfortable. Jack is not a good guy. :| And he doesn't look like one in that icon, at least not to me.

I adore this icon. The Doctor is your BFF, Master, whether you like it or not. Sorry. Try to get used to it. I found the icon in a comment on doctorwhy, which seems appropriate. (Also, I just visited that comm for the first time in ages, and realized they've started the webcomic up again. Joy! :D)

Once upon a time, quite a while ago, I found myself on a commentpage on doctorwho, wanting to participate in a boobie train and not having a boobie icon. This was a situation that needed rectifying. Donna is one of my favorite female characters, and Catherine Tate's chest is magnificent. The choice was easy enough.

I like doughnuts. And I like Ten. I also like the colors this icon uses. Also, I like the idea of someone doing the 'garçon' gesture and ordering doughnuts. It's weird and inappropriate in a way that Ten would absolutely go for. I use this icon for when I feel like I'm making a disorganized, ditzy post/comment that I could probably have saved myself if I'd done a little bit of research.

Oh Cas. Cell phones are complicated. I like this icon because I have a thing for characters who are so confused by the ways everyday human life works. Usually, they are fallen-angel characters, or Time Lords who got turned human. They amuse me with their awkwardness. I also like this icon because I can use it for when I'm not getting something I feel I should be getting. (It's a bit like the doughnut icon, really.)

It's Steven Tyler hugging an elephant! When I was a wee teenager, I was a giant Aerosmith fan, and Steven Tyler was my favorite. (I still like their music, even if I realize it's not the most intellectual type of music, ahem.) And elephants are my favorite animals, so when I came across this icon, of course I had to snag it.

It's my 'I need a drink' icon. Bernard Black has very clear priorities in life, which sometimes seems appealing. Especially on 'I need a drink' sort of days.

I got this one ages ago. I think it's one of my oldest icons. I have it because religion is something people tend to get stupid about, especially on the internet. I myself am an agnostic or an atheist--depends on the day--but I'm not really the missionary type. I think for some people, religion works well--but some people like to use it as an excuse to explain to others why they are so much better than them. That's the kind of occasion that this icon applies to very well. I also use it, sometimes, when I talk about the religious motifs RTD uses in his work. I love religious motifs being used to convey an atheist or secular message, but that's something else people like to get up in the air about.

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