Ten Support, Obama, Nano

Nov 05, 2008 20:24

Alright, so ten_support was a short and failed experiment for me. I'm sad David's leaving, but I'm so bad at keeping my mouth shut when people come up with theories about how he was bullied out of the role by the show runners - what? Seriously, what? He's a money making machine; I'm sure they offered him shitloads of money to stay. - and when they're so sensitive about the subject that you can't even mention Eleven without some of them breaking down crying.

I hope this won't affect the decision of the two people who I met over at ten_support to friend me. I would love to still have you on my f-list and get to know you better. I am mostly leaving the community because I don't want to aggravate anyone over there with my not entirely negative perception of David's decision to leave the show. Apparently, it's just not the place for me, at least not while emotions are still running as high as they are. Rock on, though, you guys. Ten deserves all the love he can get. ♥

Oh, and x_bluerose_x, I'd still be up for making that layout if you want me to. Just let me know :).

Last night, I pulled my first real all-nighter since... well, since Stratford last month, I guess. Lol. It was worth it, though. I'm loving all the hope and the love that is spreading throughout LJ, and I am so hoping that this will bring the change to the American people that they are so obviously hoping for. I've always loved the States for what they originally stand for - unity, equality, solidarity - and I'm so happy that you guys once more proved that those values are still in there somewhere. Go USA! :D

I think I will skip on the nano'ing today. According to my schedule, I'm supposed to be writing 1230 words today, but I'm 1535 words in the plus, and my brain is mush. So, for you guys on the nano filter - no update today. This will give you a chance to catch up with what I have so far! *subtle pimpage is oh so very subtle*

fandom: general, fandom: batshit, nano '08, real life

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