The Dark Knight; 4.30am radio is fun

Aug 24, 2008 05:31

I just came back from the midnight show double feature Batman thing, so I have now officially seen The Dark Knight as well and won't have to dive under tables anymore when I come across potential spoilers.

About the movie: man, creepy. I don't think they would have even needed any of the others besides the Joker. He totally took control of this movie. Which is rather ironic in itself, if you think about it.

Not gonna say any more now, because it's late and the brain is sluggish. A question, though: I listened to the radio on my way home, and lol, what sort of DJ dorks do those 4.30am Sunday morning radio shows? If I were that guy's boss, and if I'd been listening, I'd've walked into that station Monday morning and fired that guy's ass. Seriously. Alles Aus Liebe is NOT an Ärzte song. Even I know that it's Die Toten Hosen, even though I hate Die Toten Hosen. *headdesk*

random, movies

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