Yeah, I know, my LJ shouldn't consist solely of entries about a TV show - talk about hanging on to the real life and everything - but since at the moment, real life presents me with nothing but frustration and failed exams, I'll stick to the fictional world(s) for now.
Wow, I absolutely love where SG-1 is going after season 7! They fi-nal-ly got rid of the Goa'ould, thank God for that, and they killed off the Replicators along with them, which is good since I never really found the Replicators that interesting. And in season 8, they kill Daniel twice. That's gotta be a record of some sort. Talk about Highlander.
And I have to say, I don't really miss Jack. He was a fun character, but he kinda lost his edge with the whole Carter thing, and since Daniel transformed into that still very cool but not quite so geeky superhero who actually uses weapons not only as a very last resort, Jack somehow lost his counterpart. Besides, what's Mitchell but a O'Neill clone with a slight religious touch?
I love Vala :). She's perfect as Daniel's new counterpart. I can even see a Het here. I know that she's part of the Stargate-Fargate-Farscape problem, but since I never saw any Farscape eps, I'm kinda oblivious to that issue. And I can't help but die with silent giggling every time she messes Daniel around. His character really needed that, with everyone else adoring him for his goodness of heart and risen-from-the-dead-enlightened-hero-thing he had going on ever since he came back. She makes him vulnerable again. And vulnerable is good *evil chuckle*. I loved the bracelets. And she's the only one who ever breaks Daniel's glasses! Ever notice that? He can be captured, tortured, killed for God's sake, but we never see his glasses break. One scene he has them, next scene they're gone. Weird. I'd've thought it would have made for some dramatic shots... but then, maybe just a little too dramatic.
And they're doing the Star Trek thing in SG-1, too! I almost choked when I heard Mitchell's "Well done, Bones" line in 9x08 Babylon - I was thinking of Amok Time a second before he goes and says that! And now, in season 10, they're off to find the Holy Grail (I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that the writers actually went and did that), and one of Mitchell's first jokes about the matter is a crack about the Knights Who Say Ni. Now they've got references to both my favorite series and my favorite movie in there. You just gotta love the whole science-fiction-but-present-day-thing.
The new villains... they're okay. I liked Anubis! He was cool - the whole hooded-cloaked-figure-without-a-face-thing never gets old (at least for me). But he's history. Okay, I can deal with that, especially since Daniel got this sincerely awesome dying scene in the Anubis killing plot arc. And compared to the Goa'ould, the new bad guys are brilliant. They've got the CSM on their side, and all throughout X-Files, the CSM was my all time favorite bad guy. Besides, after all they're practically the devil. And the devil always makes for a cool villain, that we all know since The Ninth Gate (and countless other really cool horror movies).
My problem with ascended beings going evil overlord(s) is that it gets really hard to ensure credibility. SG-1 and the humans from Earth defeating God-like creatures like we know the Ancients to be is a little unrealistic. Of course, one can make up all kinds of excuses for why this worked and that, and then they find this really cool Ancient weapon and blast the bad guys to pieces, but still, Stargate is walking a fine line. I just hope they don't screw up.
They've only got one season left, anyways. My guess is they find the Holy Grail, and maybe Daniel dies one last time - which would be a real shame, because I'd really like to see him appear in Atlantis at some point. Him, not Carter, as they're planning it. Seriously, who wants to see Carter? She's so boring. Even Teal'c and the whole Jaffa thing is more interesting than her (and believe me, the Jaffa are not my favorites). They'll probably start an on-screen thing between McKay and Carter. My only hope is that they won't do that for the sake of the Jack/Carter happily-ever-after they established by letting Jack leave *hopeful*.
Well, I'll just have to wait and see, I guess. Wait and watch. Up until now, the Stargate writers haven't yet done anything really totally wrong and disappointing. But I have suffered episode writers' total ignorance before (no, I'm not gonna mention TATV...). I just so hope the Stargate writers will do better...