
Dec 17, 2007 23:20

I've been gone the last couple of days because

a) I was being productive
b) I was writing tons of fanfic
c) I was turning my life around and training for the olympics
d) I was watching Heroes!

Omg, how many hot guys can you cast for one show?



and of course, prettiest of all:

But only with the long hair. With the long hair, Peter reminds me of the Crow, sitting in his broken window in the rain and crying black emo tears for his lost soul mate. And that's awesome. Little nurse Peter with the floppy emo hair. I liked him a lot better than cold-hearted bastard Peter with the superpowers and the crew cut. But more about that later.

So, I don't know, is it me or is it really that the first season is made of awesome, while the second season is... not so much? I mean, I like the concept, even though I'm probably going to go crazy waiting for the episodes. But I do like this whole book idea. It's nice, it's something different. And I've always enjoyed complex canon (yay for the X-Files, lol), so the whole jumping back and forth between time lines and characters doesn't bother me too much. They really did come up with some interesting characters.

So, I really liked the first season. Little Peter finding out that he can fly - or not -, the druggie!artist and his beautiful girlfriend who leaves him after the inevitable OD, Nathan trying to be a tough politician but turning to the light in the last second, the dyslexic cop with the bitchy wife he loves so much, Ted, the small normal man with the big radioactive problem, the schizophrenic chick with the multiple personalities who takes her clothes off on the internet to make money to support her family. Did I forget anyone? Right, the cheerleader. And, of course, Hiro, the Japanese company drone discovering his identity. Are he and Ando doing it or what.

And the watchmaker. The evil watchmaker. That will never stop being awesome, no matter how often it's done.

Anyway, as I said, the first season worked. It all came together nicely, it made sense, there was no character that I really hated, and in the end, they saved New York from the bomb and Hiro got to be the hero and stabbed Syler. Nice. Very nice. Very gripping. Yay, I thought, let's go and get season 2.

Well. They throw you right into the middle of events, you've no idea what's going on, they introduce more people - which aren't half as awesome as the people from s1. Killing people by crying black tears? That's very X-Files. - and they go on and on about this company stuff which is for one thing also very X-Files and for another an old meme. Then they send poor Peter to Cork, they cut his hair (nope, haven't gotten over that yet) and give him amnesia. They let Parkman and Suresh move in together, which I think was my favorite part of s2 - those two are also so doing it - and then they dig up this whole father thing for Parkman. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. All the old characters that have survived - and some that haven't - are given new issues and new time lines.

And it's getting too much. They're not keeping it together anymore. They lose track of people. And then, right in the middle of an interesting time line, they suddenly remember them and you get a sudden cut from some cliffhanger back to, oh, I don't know, maybe the cheerleader and her flying boyfriend or something. That's not how good story telling works. I think they need to kill off a good part of their characters if they want to keep this show together.

Then, they have the same problem any show with people with superpowers has. How to make them not invulnerable? Heroes solved that problem by simply making them incompetent. Okay, I get that maybe early season 1 Peter wouldn't use his powers the way they could be used, but Peter in mid-season 2? He should remember that he can walk through walls when he finds himself standing in front of a huge black locked steel door.

And please, please, stop with the science. If you can't do that, then please stop injecting people with other people's blood. Just do that one thing, for me. It's not healthy, injecting people with other people's blood. Seriously. There's this thing called blood groups, and not everybody has the same one.

I'm not going to start ranting about the whole genes stuff, because hey, it's a TV show. They have a right to have bullshitty science as far as genes are concerned. But something as simple as blood groups? Please, people, get it right!

Am I the only one who thinks that Bob is criminally incompetent? He caught a guy with regeneration abilities, and he locked him into a prison because he couldn't kill him. But one of his pals, Victoria, knew that you can kill people like that by blowing their heads off. Huh. So either Victoria is super-smart, or Bob hasn't done his homework. Or maybe the writers screwed it up?

But that's not the only thing. Locking a guy who can walk through walls into a prison with the sole insurance of him not walking out being that he takes his daily medication? That is... really stupid.

Enjoyed season 1, was more annoyed than anything by season 2 but watched it for the hot guys. And the actors. Omg, which actor wasn't in that show? George Takei, Nichelle Nichols, Dominic Keating, Christopher Eccleston, every single actor who ever played a PotW on House, and of course I can't remember all the others right now - but wow. I recognized about every second actor from somewhere. Whether that has something to do with the show or with the fact that I have watched way too many TV shows, I don't know.

One thing I do know, though. One of the first words out of Eccleston's mouth? "Fantastic!" I squeed.

tv: heroes

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