/o\ House Fandom!

Dec 11, 2007 19:17

evidence_seeker? Are you people for realz?

Read the wank:
Original post plus first page of comments
The "evidence"
The CLH wank report

And look, I went post-hunting for you. This is a tutorial written by elicia8 where she explicitly states that she does use tracing to get her outline. Check out step 3.

My favorite parts?

Up until then I had admired her greatly, and ( Read more... )

fandom: batshit

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beandelphiki December 13 2007, 05:17:21 UTC
I love how this ENTIRE wank basically stems from other people's jealousy and pride:

First off, I have no vendettas, no ax to grind with elicia8 at all. From the very first artwork I saw of hers - the one with Wilson telling House a bedtime story - I felt that something wasn't right. I kept staring at the screen, saying "no way" over and over.

Funny. That wasn't MY first reaction. Was it yours?

I mean, I've seen artwork that good before. Not in fandom, but it's not totally unheard of! What sort of person IMMEDIATELY doubts that a fantastic drawing is real?

And now I'm arguing with someone in your F_W thread over whether or not it looks like she traced that tutorial drawing. For fuck's sake!

In all honesty, even if Licia came out and said, "Okay guys, I DID fudge a little, and drawings #7, #32 and #46 that I said are 100% freehand are actually traced," it wouldn't really break my heart or anything, you know?

I mean, it would sort of make me a hypocrite. LOL. I posted once and mentioned how one time in art class I traced the outline of the leaf I was supposed to draw freehand. It got a gold star, hung on our fridge for YEARS, etc. I was too chickenshit to own up to my parents that it was OMGFAKE. (And well, for the requirements of the assignment, I really did cheat.)

Funny thing, though - after posting that, I randomly confessed to my mother. Her response?

"Well, so you traced the outline. But did you trace the whole thing?"

"Well no, I couldn't." [Hello, Mom. It's a LEAF.] "I just traced the shape, and then filled it in."

"Just the shape? So what? You still drew the rest, and it was pretty good."



t_eyla December 13 2007, 20:59:56 UTC
Was it yours?
Hee, the first Licia drawing I saw was this, and yeah, I did go, omg wtf! But that was more a reaction to how fucking good that drawing was. I didn't doubt for a second that she actually drew this, because I have a mother and an older sister who can do things with a pencil that you really wouldn't believe if you haven't seen it.

Lol, do not argue on f_w. THE NEXT POST MAY BE ABOUT YOU! xD

And no, if she admitted to tracing some of her art, it wouldn't break my heart at all. Especially since she never said that she draws 100% freehand. NEVER! I can't remember any occasion, anyway, and I'm usually quite good at remembering stuff people said. I do remember several occasions, however, when she said that she does trace stuff from time to time.

If the OP's had bothered to actually investigate - meaning actually reading Licia's journal from the point when she started posting H/W art - they wouldn't have had anything to present. Gah. STUPID, STUPID, JEALOUS PEOPLE! Especially since Licia is all about promoting creativity! I remember her actually apologizing to a fellow artist for posting art shortly after the other person did. She said she didn't see the post, otherwise she would have waited with posting her stuff. Anybody who felt intimidated by her art needs to work on their self-confidence. For me, Licia did the opposite! If it wasn't for her and her wonderful drawings, I'd never have picked up a pencil and found out that while I'm certainly not brilliant, I'm not as crap as I thought I was.

I'll stop here. I could go on for hours, lol ;). But yeah, in conclusion: get over yourselves, people! She's good at drawing! Better than you, maybe! So what? King is better than me at writing, that doesn't mean that reading his books makes me delete all my fanfic and go cry in a corner. Jeez.


beandelphiki December 14 2007, 12:31:36 UTC
Lol, do not argue on f_w. THE NEXT POST MAY BE ABOUT YOU! xD

Oh eh, I've been wanked before. Actually, I was involved in The Great FemJay Wankfest of Whateverthefuckyearthatwas... 2006, maybe?

(T'was fun. Lots of comments like, "Boy, beandelphiki is an idiot!" And then a few weeks later someone linked me to one of those EVERYONE AND THEIR DOG SHOWS UP wanks in which I commented...twice? Out of seven pages or so of comments, and people in F_W said, "OH LOOK WHO'S HERE OF COURSE, BEAN." And THEN - ooh, shiny thing! - they totally forgot about me.)

So they can wank me for this if anyone cares. :) My wank-cherry is broken! I won't cry.

For me, Licia did the opposite! If it wasn't for her and her wonderful drawings, I'd never have picked up a pencil and found out that while I'm certainly not brilliant, I'm not as crap as I thought I was.

LOL. Well, I did. Confirm I'm crap, that is. But I DID attempt a drawing too.

ACTUALLY, so many people have said that... I'd love to be able to poll her flist to see just how many people have attempted to draw something even ONCE since friending her.

I bet the number's pretty high.


t_eyla December 14 2007, 12:49:35 UTC
Hee, I've never been wanked. Came close, though, with the j_b wankery that was going on in June/July.

I do tread lightly at f_w, though. Anything you say might prevent a wank storm. When I posted the j_b wank report, I had it triple proof read xD.

I bet the number's pretty high.
I bet it is. That would really be an interesting poll. We could set up a comm! evidence_seeking_against_evidence_seeker - ESAES! Or something xD.


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