Apr 30, 2007 01:48
It`s been just about forever since I`ve actually posted something to my own journal here, mostly just stalking friends and making use of my DA journal where people actually have the chance to see it. I kinda feel bad about neglecting this ol` bad boy but really I know I am talking to myself.
So anyway up with the updates. I`ve moved downtown Halifax, I have a fabulous condo with Joel and Travis and things are going pretty smoothly though I must admit I didn`t realize how hairy the bathroom would get with a couple of guys living here. My sister Catherine is having a baby which is total excitement. My parents are having a house built out by the ocean and they`re going to run away never to be seen again. I haven`t really heard anything from my other sister, Cora, but I assume no news is good news. I think that I will go to Montreal, maybe next year to visit her and some other friends and to maybe catch a convention. We will see, I am still pondering the monetary aspects of that. I refuse to believe that money doesn`t grow on tress, I just haven`t found the right tree yet.
I`ve been working at a fabric store for about half a year now, I don`t know if anyone is aware of that but tadaa.. or something.
So I suppose that is all for now untill I feel guilty enough to post another entry.