Sep 30, 2002 20:08
Yeah, that’s an understatement.
Getting out of bed this morning almost seemed impossible. Well, at least until the phone rang.
Penelope called again. She is getting much better at that. I’d pick up the phone and call her but I don’t know where she is half the time. She calls from a different number each time. The good news is she is in France filming still. I just wish she would come home sooner or later.
She sends her love to all of you.
Practice, training, exercise, getting in to shape... what ever you want to call it.
At the moment I call it hell.
Like a great drink. Fun, exciting, and thrilling, but once all that is over you are left with the hang over.
Only now I don’t have Pen here to rub my neck and make it better.
The “hell” that I have been enjoying for the past few weeks isn’t as bad as I may make it sound. I know that may make no sense but trust me it’s true. Once the aches are over and the pains go away I will some how feel younger. Like I have gained years to my life.
That feeling, The feeling of accomplishment. Of self control. Is the greatest feeling in the world and that feeling is what makes the training and after feeling of soreness all worth it.
So now I am off to take a nice warm shower to loosen the muscles. Then I shall retire back to my bed with a bottle of water and an Advil. Sleep a few hours and hopefully feel a little less tense and a whole lot younger. Or at least one could hope.