We've just had a good little shake - sufficiently strong for me to consider getting under the desk...
Magnitude 5.7, 9km deep, about 25km south west of where I work...
here, complete with maps even...
(The NZ earthquake set up is pretty fantastic given that within 5 minutes of feeling the building wobble their website had processed over
Read more... )
It was of a similar magnitude and depth to the one that flattened Christchurch back in 2011, but the geology this time meant that apart from a lot of rolling, not a lot happened. We aren't called the shaky isles for nothing!
Ironically, the parish priest of the inner city church was in a meeting about earthquake strengthening St Marys of the Angels at the time of the shake... With a couple of fires in the inner city area this morning, it was a busy start to Friday this week.
A friend of mine LJed this...
So there was a 5.6ish earthquake in Wellington this morning. It was a biggie, a longie and a rollie. It was the first time I've actually got under my desk for one, but the rollyness of it saved there from being any real damage. Of course Twitter went nuts for 10 minutes. Award for best tweet goes to Happy with:
"I walk in the office door and everyone jumps under their desks. Did I forget to put pants on this morning?"
Because in Wellington, we take earthquakes really seriously. Yup.
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