
Jun 01, 2010 09:58

I just attempted to send this message to the Israeli Prime Minister via the official Israeli Government website, and got a 404 response in reply...

The message I wish to add my voice to the widespread condemnation of your military action regrading the flotilla of aid ships in the Mediterranean Sea this Monday. Has your government ever considered the possibility that your actions regarding the Gaza Strip (& the West bank) only serve to inflame the situation rather than contain or resolve it? was input on this page. The 404 was received on clicking the "send" button - FAIL!

So I go to their web "contact us" page and attempt to tell their IT guys about the problem. Click the "send" button and get back a page saying "an error has occurred, please tell us about it so we can fix it", so I figure what the heck, fill out a brief summary including pointing back here and click "send" again to get back a page saying in English and Hebrew E-Gov's security systems have detected suspicious activity and can not display the requested page and A support team is available at : 02-6664646 or WTF? aka FAIL2!!
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