Fickle feelings

May 28, 2015 21:42

This school year has been no fun. We are ready for it to be over, this second semester has been nothing but health and grade struggles, followed by health, grade and attendance trouble and we are done. Today, I got a call from my son telling me that someone had poured his drink all over his lunch and that it was now inedible. That scenario stinks no matter what, but when you add to it, that Kelly doses himself with insulin before eating based on how many carbs are in his lunch, it adds a new twist to the situation. So, when that happened not only did Kelly have nothing for lunch, but he also had insulin on board and no food for it to deal with...this means that his blood sugar will plummet and it did. Luckily, I was able to get him food and all was well, but it didn't have to be that way and it was just another nail in the coffin of this school year. Get us out of here, we are DONE! I was even saying that I was so done with this school year that it was helping me to not be overly emotional about the fact that next year Kelly will be a Freshman...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well, that was true until about an hour ago, when we started talking about all the activities the 8th graders will have next week, a breakfast, a year book signing party, a dance and a walk from the middle school over to their new school...the highschool! Cue the emotions and water works...pfftt, I'm nothing if not super emotional about my wee teeny tiny sweet little baby who is in actuality my big tall (5'9) 14 yr Oh my God, how did we get here, just yesterday it was his first day at preschool...I can't believe how unfairly fast it has gone. My friend so helpfully told me that it goes even faster in high school...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I only have the one, I want time to slow down so we can appreciate each stage...none of this racing's breaking my heart. I'm so so so proud of the young man he is becoming, but what I wouldn't give for just one more day with my cute lil chubster baby version of him. I cry fair, someone has the Fast Forward button pressed down and I demand a rewind!

God help me, I'm going to cry again.
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