Oct 28, 2006 22:30
i'm soon to be done with my asvab last practice test,then to the recruiter to go to meps and take the actually test...i also have to gain weight...girls have to weight 131 to get in,but see i thought they ended the weight requirement,but i guess not....after all that when i'm for sure to get in...i'm getting married to the love of my life.......my stomach has been jumping up and down,for the past days,due to being scared of what exactly is gonna happen these next months,not to mention i'm gonna be getting adopted by mystep dad before i get married.......my mind has been racing these days...i can't wait....my heart is exploding with joy of what might come from all of this.....my life could be in order...my aunt told me not to join because i'm a creative person and should go into the airforce,i'm tired of people telling me what i should do and shouldn't do...for once my parents have been behind me 100%,i explain to my aunt that for once i've been pushing myself...for once i found a goal inlife to get....i relized new things about me,a side that i ignored all through school...i should of pushed myself from the start,but i didn't...and now i am and getting into running and eating right,i feel good about myself...my depression has been slowly going away,i no longer feel useless in life...i feel like i have a purpose for once..and it makes me happy......this is my endless randomly...thank u for reading this....later cool kids...