Pork Chop Sandwiches!

Nov 09, 2005 10:58

I'm making a snack book for kids in my Senior GD class. I'm kinda having a hard time coming up with cool, creative, healthy snacks. Anyone have any good ideas? The book is kind of a story about kids exploring their backyard and finding things that remind them of snacks. So the snacks need to be kind of natury. So far I have mud pies, ants on a log and a few other things like that.

Last night was my first Tuesday off in a long time. I went to Brent's to help him build a skate box. We got some of it done and I drank about half a bottle of MD 20/20. That shit is gross. (I shit you the fuck not!) We went and played poker. I didn't win, but I got uber-drunk. We kept buying each other shots. What the hell was I thinking?

I slept on his couch and woke up to smoke in the house. Stephanie made, or tried to make James breakfast. This was at 7:00 in the morning. She took it up to him and he didn't want it. So she brought it back down to me and Brent. I could only eat about half the bagel, but it was really good. I felt bad that she made all that food and then he told her he didn't want it. What an ass!

I guess I'm gonna get out of here. I came to class just to update my LJ. This class is way too easy.
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