Ok, today was a PRETTY eventful day. Should I start from the start? I guess so!!! Sorry going crazy or as Golem likes me to say 'ape shit', right now. Hahahahaha...haha...ha...heh..hmmm...(oh Dee's favorite laugh)! Well it all started in Writers Craft today when Ms. Abra assigned us an assignment that Dee unfortunetly would gladly part take in. Being that it is sitting in a food court and eve's dropping on other people's conversations...writing them down and handing them in for marks. But it can't be people we know. I think it's interesting a weird I'm stalking you whilst wearing a shady trench coat kind of way. I'm so excited to be in her class. Am I crazy for saying that, now? *eyes shift*
Then at Lunch time I discovered bread absorbs jam (yuck!) and you can't suffocate someone with a ziploc bag, well played Golem. I really did miss our Lunch time "play". Yes, I can say play. We act like little children. I mean come on! We spin around in circles jumpin over sticks! But oh gosh is it ever fun! *goofy smile*
Hmm, what else? Oh yes there was the evil Gr. 11's in Com. Tech that steal my seat whenever I go to the bathroom! It's ludicrous! Especially when they take your "no name" buddy. I call him my "no name" buddy because we never asked each other what our names our, but we are too far deep into talking that asking for each others names now would just be crazy talk. It's like how mine and Hayun's relationship started on the bus some odd years ago. Ah, yes. The good old days.
I am making a website in class for our "practise", it's pretty lame but I think it's got it's own charm being it's so crappy. It's about me and my friend Paula (Pumpkin Pie) saving our friend Jabari Digby (the guy that lives in a Trailer Park and poses for Christmas Cards) from a monster version of Matt Damon. Paula being George Clooney's (one of many) illegitimate love child, we went to his black and white mansion and go to his hunting den and find he's killed Aquaman and get Super Powers from him to use to fight against the Matt Damon monster... it's pretty great! A best seller if I do say so myself... and I do!
Then half-way between the secret hand shake between Paula and George Clooney (you know to prove she IS in fact his one of many illegitmate love children), that we were called into the cafe (which by the way the put an unnecassary accent on... I don't know WHY!) *rubs her greasy head... I'm going for a record people!!! Got to catch up to those third world countries!* to our Gr.9's. Fun stuff... till they ditch you after they take your ice cream shaped soul! I manage to get that sweet one and petrify her into staying with us and the Angus'... I numbered them all... but I can't seem to ever find number six. Hope she wasn't eaten.
After that I went to Gandalf's house with (obviously) Gandalf and Hayun. Then soon after arriving I found out I was supposed to be at the airport at 4:30 PM not 9PM, needless to say I freaked. Mostly because I rank... and still do. So Gandalf and Hayun doused me in body sprays, Febreeze, dehoderant... the list goes on. I smelt sweet... but sour. It was overwhelming for Hayun. What a trooper.
I made a little sign for Fernando and was well on my way to the airport with my mother and father... of course my Dad had the video camera in one hand and a digital camera in the otherhand. I was kind of embarrassed I'll be honest. Only because I knew that Fernando was going to feel as uncomfortable as is (my gosh my Dad took a picture of him sitting eating his food, and walking ... and everything else. He was like a slow and very conspicious Paparazi)!!! AH! Aaron more or less just threw me into the shower! I'm clean *makes a bitter face*. I have been defiled by the water.
Now, where was I? Oh yes, the airport. I bought Fernando a coffee and a doughnut from Tim Hortons. I wanted to introduce him to Canada PROPERLY! None of that Dunkin' Dougnuts crap. Nuh uh! No sirie! Only the best for MY Spanish Exchange Student. I still can't get over that they call it the Canadian Exchange over there. Sounds ominious. Anyways when he came off the plane I was so nervous I didn't know what to say. I just ran over and hugged him... while cut between a handshake hug... it was highly nerve wracking. Not to mention the car ride was as Sarah would say "AWKWARD", let's just say I'm not a very good conversationalist. I mean come on one of the first things I asked him was "do you eat Beaver Tails", and "do you have squrilles where you live...?". I'm terrible.
So then after and awkward show of the house I ushered him out of the house for a walk, where we talked more. He's really nice and I feel bad that he's stuck with me. I'm constantly not making any sense. Apparantly he's been wanting to come to Canada since he was really young. I just hope that I can show him a good time in Canada... *cough* GOLEMHELP! *smiles*.
But really, he's very nice. We met Rachel along our walk with her family. Her dad was wearind those really
funny shoes that my Dad insists I should wear, he bought me a purple pair a year ago and I had thought they were water socks... water socks with holes. I argued how ergonmicially incorrect they were till my Dad told me they were the "latest" fashion. Damn uncomfortable if you ask me. Which you're not.
OOOoooOOO! Random I got a batch of warm fuzzies today from both Golem and Mr. Barter. Golem because she put me as one of her favorite artists on deviantart. Which mind you makes me feel all warm and toasty inside, and Mr. Barter said he wants more art from me this year. It makes me feel like less of a dork for giving him art as gifts for Holidays, and to know they weren't as crappy as I thought. Plus Mr. Barter, as you know who's mother used to say he's the "cats pajamas". I will never repeat that phrase again.
Teenager: *"brooding"*
Teenager: Fook you, MOM!
Mom: Oh my.
Random I know. OK! Back to Fernando, whilst we were walking I managed to drag him over to Ian's house where he was surprisngly home. The more we all talked the more crazy I sounded (from my talking and Ian's knowledge, "you eventually learn to tune her out") and the more uncomfortable Fernando looked at staying two weeks with me. Poor, poor Fernando.
It was fun none the less. I showed him our school and stuff then we went home and watched a bit of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", because I wanted to get hyped up to go to the Hershey Chocolate Factory. By the way really hope no one comes up here... I'm naked again. Towels are so over rated. Yeah, I know you are probably sitting there going "THANKS FOR SHARING!", but it almost had to be said! I'm practising my HTML, I hope it's working.
We then ate dinner upstairs. He looked nervous, but not a scared "omfg she's going to kill me" kind of nervous. Which was a relief to say the least. Then after we ate, Fernando gave me and my parents gifts. I was really taken aback. He gave my Mom this gorgeous book on art called Goya. I praticially CREEEEEAMED myself over it. That one was for you Golem. Hope the power doesn't go out *watches the storm* I'll be very pissed if it does! He gave me a t-shirt, which I plan to wear to the pot-lock tommorow, and his Mom sent our family a note. It was very sweet of them. I feel like I sound really weird right now... hmmm... maybe it's the soap talking. After that I let him go to sleep, because I would be a bitch if I didn't let him sleep after 32 hours without sleep... or can I...? *raises eyebrow at the "viewers"* Hmmmz... *strokes chin* well anyways I am beat tired. So I bid you adieu! *bows out*