May 22, 2005 23:01
After a painful personal realization i made 11-ish minutes ago, i was staring out of the blinds by the computer desk in the room i sleep in. I saw the moon and it was big and bright and loverly to say the very least. and i felt like i was in a movie when they show a person smiling at the sky and then have a closeup on the moon. Then they cut to an entirely different location where someone else is looking at the moon also. and subconsciencly they know that the other person is somewhere out there looking at the moon with them. haha yeah! thats a fine movie making technique if there ever was one. The clouds are dark and are wispy and moving quickly past the moon. someone right now is thinking the same thing i bet! which is weird to think about. and fruitless because i will never know them, but at least we'll always have that moon- moment in common. :)
team KILL
at first i mispelled 'team' and it said 'tram'. like a SUBWAY?! get it? i thought it was funny. but maybe its because i am tired.
the moon is really very bright. and i have 21 days of school left.