Aug 21, 2008 23:21
Did journalism erode my writing?
In the past I wrote with more poetry, more words of interest, more recklessness in my sentence structures. I think I've internalized so many rules of journalism that I no longer form those long winding sentences that include the word "effusive; nor do I have the same way of conveying that I'm talking a little quick and then interrupting myself with a sly wink of a question to the listener. My commas are sparing, my phrases less well-turned and more often just excluded, and my words are chosen now not for how they make me sound but for the purpose they serve as content.
Am I still the same person who could even think to write "idiot syncratic," a two-word combination that strikes me only now as brilliant? Questionable. Yes, I still fervently assert how flimsy my future is, despite this sentiment having gone out of style with my peer group's inauguration into the office of real life, but I am assuredly now on at least a three-year plan, only barely over half as ambitious as either of the Five Year Plans but seeming at times to be just as lofty in its ultimate goal of modernization.