T-Ara who have debuted in July with the hit 'Lies' before going under a collaboration with Supernova and gain a lot of love and popularity with "TTL" and "TTL Listen 2". TTL was #1 in numerous charts during 8 weeks, dominating the second half of 2009
Finally after 120 days, T-Ara will release a full album. This time again the composer behind "Lies" and Kim Do-Hoon who have composer "TTL" have worked on this album. T-Ara also have the chance to work with Korea's top composer , like Bang SiYeok and Sin SaDong Tiger.
Bang SiYeok and Sin SaDong previous work have been Baek Ji Young's "My Ear's Candy","Like being shot with a bullet", 4minutes "Hot Issue" and "Muzik".T-Ara previous songs showed conflict between their styles (I think the author wants to show that T-Ara debuted with a 'ballad' song and now gain popularity with a electro-R'n'B song).
T-Ara plans to appeal new fans with their funky rythms and addictive music.
With the relased a the album jacket, we can easily see T-Ara many faces. Charismatic, trendy, colorful, classic retro T-Ara shows once again their conflicting concept. (Once again the author basically said T-Ara will play with their changing concept from the classic girl to the charismatic girl)
T-Ara's first studio album will contains their past hit "A Good Person", "Lies", "TTL" and "TTL2" and also two new song. Their first album should contain six track, in all. The album will be release December, 4th
http://www.sportsseoul.com/news2/entertain/news/2009/1124/20091124101040400000000_7681405259.htmlTranslation by : sarang!bang@diadem5 or sassylina@lj
Since some phrases have been hard to translates in english I have added some information in italic to make sure everyone understand what the author said ^^