(Please note that with some time of waiting in the dreamwidth queue the entire community including all comments and settings can be moved to dreamwidth.)
Poll Move to dreamwidth or stay on lj?I'd also like to say, for those who don't know yet that dreamwidth is going invite code free til the end of the year. However, you can also post without having an account here
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This change LJ is forcing us to do (and will likely keep on forcing us to do if their business practice thus far is any indication) is no better than the adapting we need to do to get a hang of dreamwidth.
And besides, we can go for a partial move rather than a full one since t-and-b-anon still requires us to post anon on the main meme pages (and therefore, users don't need to have an account there. I hear they also have a flat view of the pages so you can see what new comments have been made to the page). Put all the prompt/fill links on dreamwidth, provide a link here, and maybe keep the update page here.
Another perk would be the larger text limits over at dreamwidth.
Besides, couldn't we just crosspost for each new part, but disable the comments on LJ and link to the corresponding DW post for people to add their fills and prompts? Again, the LJ-only people wouldn't have to get an account in order to do this, so no one would have to make any extra effort whatsoever to participate.
This! This is the attitude that is holding Fandom back from Dreamwith.
I know that DW has it's own problems and it isn't some mythical utopia, but at least the owners are actually willing to listen to the users. And with memeing becoming so much harder on LJ, surely now is the best time to make that leap?
And we can be pretty sure DW will never fuck up their comment system the way LJ has - they've gotten over 100k new users courtesy of this clusterfuck and I know they know why.
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