May 20, 2004 00:28
So, I fuckin didn't time my night right whhile I was typing up my English essay. The beginning is good, hopefully, but by the end, it's basically pure jibberish. Therefore, of course, writing and staying up all day, I got no sleep. So I turned the piece of shit to my TA. And let's say, I didn't remember what the hell the professor was lecturing about.
After English, one side in me says, just go to bed and get up for work at 12:30. And the other says, just go to Spanish class and sign the attendance paper and go home. Well, I signed that paper and didn't leave. I just slept in the class while she was showing slides. Man, I gotta take advantage when the room goes dark. But I think i snored hella loud or something, because the light turned on, peeps were staring at me. Que grosero.
Then, I went to work. I brought my tooth brush and paste because I didn't brush this morning. While I was doing this in the bathroom, peeps were weird by it. Dude, in Latin America and every where around the world, they do this! I hope this catches on.
Ugh, I worked for freakin 5 hrs, by God, after a long night and no sleep. My goodness.
I got home and slept and man did i sleep. Naked too. Yes, i'll say it, but one great person kept calling me, and hahhaa, I just talked on the cell. And slept a little bit after that. I missed American Idol..found out Jasmine lost, sorry, she should have gone last week.
Alright me go to bed, cook or read which ever strikes me fancy.
And I'm gonna miss some ne who's going to Germany manana.
Have fun!