(no subject)

Mar 10, 2005 01:32

A B O U T * Y O U *

-Full name - Kimberlee Ann Valentino
-Nicknames- Kim kimber kimba kimmee (to jay) freaky pb baby girl kims
-Names of siblings - tom
-Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake - uhhh idk
-Date that you regularly blow them out - 8-1
-Pets - 4 dogs (missey annabell rocky ashely) 1 rabbit (oreo) 2 birds ( angel and the one names after kurt cobain
-Eye color:hazel
-Hair color: blue and green and brown
-Piercing(s) - ears (past lip and eyebrow)

* W O U L D * Y O U * R A T H E R …

1) Pierce your nose or tongue? Tongue
2) Be serious or be funny? Depends
3) Drink whole or skim milk? cant drink reg milk i need lactade

* A R E * Y O U * …

4) Simple or complicated? Complicated

* D O * Y O U * P R E F E R * …

5) Flowers or angels? Angel
6) Grey or gray? grey
7) Color or black-and-white photos? Black and White
8) Lust or love? Love
9) Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
10) M&Ms or Skittles? m&m
11) Rap or rock? Rock DEr
12) Staying up late or getting up early? Staying up late
13) TV or radio? both
15) Eating apples or oranges? apples
*A N S W E R*T R U T H F U L L Y*

16) Do you have a crush? I guess you could call it that
17) Who is it? umm hoebag henry

* D O * Y O U * P R E F E R * …

18) Being hot or cold? cold
19) Taller members of the opposite sex?yes
20) Sun or moon? Moon
21) Emeralds or rubies? emerald
22) Left or right? both
23) Having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend
24) Sun or rain? Rain
25) Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? chocolate
26) Boys or girls? boys
27) Green beans or carrots? Carrots

* M I S C E L L A N E O U S * …

29) What is your biggest fear in the world? if i told you i would have to kill you!
30) Kids or no kids? Kids
31) Cat or dog? Dog
32) Half empty or half full? Half empty
33) Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup!!! But ketchup + honey mustard (im odd)
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? Hardcover
35) Newspaper or magazine? Magazine
36) Sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
37) Wonder or amazement? Amazement
38) Red car or white car? red
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and poor
40) Singing or dancing? both i guess
41) Hugging or kissing? both
42) Talking on the phone or online? Phone
43) Happy or sad? Happy
44) Purple or green? Green

* W H A T * D O * Y O U * W A N T * …

45) Where do you want to live? either Va or Ny or idk
46) How many kids do you want? 3
47) Do you want to get married? yes

* W H I C H * I S * B E T T E R * …

48) 2 doors or 4 (on a car)? 4
49) Coffee or ice cream? how about coffee icecream haha naw coffee
50) Shampoo or conditioner? conditioner
51) Bridges or tunnels? bridges you can jump off of them
52) One pillow or two? how about 5

* W O R D * A S S O C I A T I O N * …

53) Rock? umm rock
54) Green? neon
55) Crying? ppl
56) Peanut? ewwwwww
57) Roses? penis
58) Summer? BAD
59) Winter? FUN

* F A V O U R I T E S *

60) Salad dressing? italian
61) Color of socks? white
62) Toothpaste? cinnamon rush
63) Food? Italian food

* R A N D O M * Q U E S T I O N S * …

64) When was your last hospital check-in? year ago
65) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? dont know
66) Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nope :-D
67) What do you do most often when you are bored? phone...bass... video games.. draw
68) Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you? nick,matt,chris in va and i used to be really good friends w/ aubrey in ny and alexis in cali
69) Can you be in love with two people at the same time? yes
current clothing: fairy shirt grey hoodie and blue jeans
current mood: icky
current taste: cheese n crackers
current hair: pony tail
current annoyance: my doggie
current smell: cheese
current thing you ought to be doing: bio hw
current jewelry: O GOD MUST I COUNT
current book: freaky green eyes
current refreshment: water
current worry: my interm
current crush: hmmmmmm! hoebag henry
current favorite celebrity: kurt cobain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
longing: penis
current music: lock shock n barrel song
current wish: ...
current lyric in your head: WHOLE nightmare b4 x mas kidnap the sandy claus song
current undergarments: thats for me to know and jayson to find out
current regret:none
current desktop picture: kurt cobain
current plans for tonight: bio hw reading
current cuss word du jour, more like phrase: why dont you suck my giant jizz filled monkey cock
current amusement: jayson
current IM/person you're talking to: noone dont feel like it
current love: uhhh
current obsession: music/ nightmare before x mas
current avoidance: alot of things
current thing or things on your wall: fairy border 3 kurt cobain posters a jimmy hendris poster and a sugarcult one only cuz i think the guy is hott
current favorite book: harry potter #3
current favorite movie: Nightmare Before Christmas

*~*~*~WHO LAST..*~*~*~
1. Called you: jayson

2. Called you sweetheart: nobody

3. Saw you cry: yemi, amanda and marissa

4. Said I love you: jayson
5. You went to the movies with: jayson

6. Sent you an email: david

*~*~*~HAVE YOU EVER*~*~*~
7. Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yes

8. Been to New York?: no

9. Had a dream about something really crazy, and then it happened the next day?: kinda sorta

10. What book are you reading now: freaky green eyes

11. Whats your hair color: blue and green and brown

12. What is your height: 5'4" almost

13. Who are your pets: rocky ashely missey annabell kurt cobain angel and oreo

14. Ever cried during a movie: yupz

15. What song are u listening to right now?: Making christmas
16. What is right next to you?: cheese and crackers

17. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: seatle

18. what do you want to be when you grow up? graphic ...

19. Do you like to dance?: yeah

20. Favorite drink?:dr pepper, water, element

21.If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would ur name be: damon

22. Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: naw

*~*~*~Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it*~*~*~

Do you live in the moment?: yes
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: no
Do you have any secrets?: yes

Do you like your handwriting?: sorta not many people can read it
Do you have any bad habits?: OH YES
What is the compliment you get from most people?: OMG I LOVE YOUr HAIr!!!!!!!

What's your biggest fear?: for me to know and not you der

Can you sing?: kinda

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look
cool: HELLZ NO

Are you a loner?: uhh sorta

Do you have a journal?: yupz

Do you think you are emotionally strong?: yeah
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?:yeah

Do people see you the wrong way?: Yes
*~*~*~Do You...*~*~*~
Smoke?: No

Do Drugs?:No

Read the newspaper?: No

Pray?: nope

Go to church?: unfortunitly

Talk to strangers who IM you?: yeah

Sleep with stuffed animals?: yeah

Take walks in the rain?: YAY
Talk to people even though you hate them?: sometimes

Drive?: not yet

Like to drive fast?: yeah yeah


Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Yes
Who are your best friends?: Michele jayson amanda yemi marissa jamie

Who's the one person that knows most about you? jayson and michele
Your favorite inside joke?: Bite me

Who's your second family?: jayson and michele

who's house were you last at? jayson's


Do you like getting dirty? yeah

For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: fuck yea
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? brunetts

Would you rather give or receive? Give

Have you ever given? yea

Have you ever received? Yes
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