Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What is
randomdude07's shoe size? ... small?
2) Does
randomdude07 have a dog? you know.. i really don't know
3) What is
_mi_mancherai's favorite color? .... whatever Josh Groban is wearing?
4) Have you flirted with
pantsman_1? haha no.
5) Is
panduhxpress your best friend? YES
6) What would you do if you found out
pigutopia has a crush on you? ... say... hey do you like... Alaine?
7) Is
suddenlyitsgone related to
lincolnavenue? no... but i know who is related to both!
8) What would
pigutopia give
robbie_k for his/her birthday? DMB... if he could afford it.
9) What languages does
pigutopia speak? pig latin...i think. don't quote me on that though.
10) Does
pantsman_1 do drugs? ... it really seems like it sometimes...but heck no
11) How would
pantsman_1 kill
__raise_me_up__? uhh.... ok, so you know how people said i was bored to death.. well, you can figure the rest.
12) Does
lincolnavenue go to your school? nope.... tear
13) What exotic animal would
my_october like as a pet? i hope giraffe!
14) Are
bluetotheheaven and
baraphoniumboy going steady? haha.. no. but hey her name is Laura too!
15) Is
robbie_k an emo? ... more like ... big nerd! huh bobbert?
16) Could you see
robbie_k and
taken_by_nature together? ... yes?
17) Does
suddenlyitsgone have a big secret? ... i dunno.. wanna tell me?
18) Is
my_october in a relationship? ... i have a 50/50 chance.. i'm gonna say YES!
19) Do you have a crush on
pigutopia? ... shhh..... no
20) What animal should
lincolnavenue be combined with? giraffe.. cuz that's just the best animal around! Who wouldn't want to be a giraffe? i mean.. COME ON!
21) Has
adnanymous been to your house/dorm? nope....
22) Is
my_october introverted or extroverted? extroverted
23) Are
bluetotheheaven and
adnanymous married? no.... that's kinda illegal.
24) How long have you known
_mi_mancherai? .. since she was a frosh.
25) Has
lincolnavenue dyed their hair? ... i dunno actually.. but i do love your hair!
26) What word best describes
youngsone? girl. lol.. i dunno... ask me again later.
27) Would you wrestle
pigutopia in jello? haha.. OF COURSE! i'd kick your ass!
28) Do you have
__raise_me_up__'s screenname? yes.
29) What is
_mi_mancherai's favorite game? .... twista? ... monopoly... no... SUPER MARIO BROS!!! i know that's mine!
30) What mental disorder does
suddenlyitsgone remind you of? bipolar ... only cuz Chris said so....
31) What is
robbie_k's biggest flaw? ... he doesn't like his name.. BOBBERT!
32) One thing you can't stand about
robbie_k? HOWIE DAY! lol.. nah he's cool.. it's just the fact that you wrote his name on my paper all the time like you had a lil crush on him....ew.
33) What rank would
taken_by_nature have in a giant robot army? .... Officer...
34) Did
adnanymous break up with you? ... no not recently.
35) If
__raise_me_up__ was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? ... MoJo JOJO