Jun 30, 2006 22:33

well GS is finally over... a week ago I was looking foward to this day, now im sad about it
I kinda hate making new friends because they are always at another school so far away
all my friends at gate city I wont be able to see until next year or at football/any other sporting event and same with the others
I was sad because sum of the ppl I met in drama last year are now seniors and wont be back and it was o'so sad!
seeing chels leave was sad cause I will hopefully see her at funfest to see saving jane but who knows!!! same with tiff
julia I wont be able to see until we play JIB at football
but now I can drive so maybe we will be able to hang out.... hopefully!!!!
but one funny thing is I rode the bus with a girl from coeburn named hannah all 3 weeks and we never tlkd to each till today right before we left we are both really shy, understandable, I thought she just didnt wanna tlk to me!!! lol
and I know that I will probably get to see savannah aug 19(check me on that arwood.) where she is playing the lead in Trail! go you..

well thats bout it besides im kinda pissed at my parentals for not letting me go to the movies with a guy who is just a friend!!!!!! I dont get it
and then I couldnt go watch my good friend steph in her play that I have been promising her that I would go to... so mad

well I think that is it
GS ppl( to the ones I know ) I love you guys and I miss ya already!!! keep in touch

much love peeps*
keep it fresh
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