
(no subject)

Dec 20, 2007 19:08

North Face Force,
is recruiting for the Fall/Winter (December 2007) season.
If you're into team oriented PVP with a family atmoshpere; keep reading!

North Face Force is looking for active players;

We are a small and efficient PVP corp with organized PvP and good
leadership. Unfortunately; We are not looking for weekend warriors, but
we understand if you are sometimes busy in real life.
We'd prefer players who play at least two hours per day (Although it's not expected every single day)

We only say this because we would rather not waste your time and ours having you join if it's just going to be to change skills. If you plan to take time off EVE that's fine, just let us know.

This round of recruitment is aimed at growing our corp base to give us more strength throughout the day. Nothing is more upsetting than scrambling a carrier in a belt only to not have enough damage to take him down in a reasonable period of time. Not only would we like more people from both timezones we'd also like a larger variety of players with different skill sets so when the situation calls for more strategy, we are able to provide it.

There are no restrictions on your security status. If you feel the need to pirate then you're more than welcome to.
We are essentially a no politics corporation. We have very few blue standings and intend to keep it that way. As a pleasant consequence of that and our strict global NBSI policy; We will most likely never run out of targets to shoot at.

Self-sufficiency is a must- We are all capable of making isk on our own and expect you to be able to as well. However, that being said we are very accomodating to longstanding members in terms of ammunition and modules and rigs. That being said, we live in a low security system close to 0.0 (a single jump away) and have easy access to it. Isk should never be too much of a problem.

Teamspeak is of course required, and if you don't have a mic we'll tell you to get one.
No need to be shy, but PVPing without TS is chaotic and dangerous; We don't allow it.

Our gangs typically consist of fast ships specialized in specific roles. If you inhabit our area you'll probably know how blobby it can be, speed ships are a must for avoiding getting caught up in one and essential for challenging one when the odds are stacked heavily against us. However we're currently looking for pilots that can fill a variety of roles, not just fast ships for speed gangs. Battleships, tanking ships, damage dealing ships, logistics ships, capital ship pilots, etc are all welcome.

Most of our players are in the Euro timezones however we do have a growing group of US timezone players as well, both are welcome.

As for skillpoints and experience we'd prefer you to have at least fifteen million skillpoints, and the ability to scout and give proper intel.

English is our common language and we'd prefer players to be mature. Exceptions are always available of course when it comes to maturity but it would be on a case by case basis. However, being a team player is a must, as is the ability to learn. If you do not posess both then you would not be cut out for North Face Force.

If we've caught your interest and like to give us a shot, we'd be happy to hear from you. You can contact Green Looter, Bibi, Drasked, or stahmul with any questions you may have. You can also join our public ingame channel: pub-NFF.

You can view our killboard at: http://northface.griefwatch.net

\Green looter (CEO)
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