Quazi "Weekly" News Update

Nov 01, 2006 17:52

It's time for another news update - this time not as bad/angry as the one before (the mexico fence issue)
In the past month, the regular news has neglected to discuss these very important topics:

There are now 100 Million websites on the internet

Enviornment (physical and cultural):
Donald Trump proves (once again) that he more then likely has a small penis
Ugly aligator skin purses may become even uglier, crappier, and even easier to find in florida
Textbooks can save you from a crazed gunman

Some childish behavior is just that
Music classes in North Dakota have finally found a way to blend "old school" and "new school" music
Checking into a hospital for depression is a "no, no" at George Washington University
Plagerisim is BAD, even if you're a comic artist at Harvard
I knew it was only a matter of time before parents started going crazy. We're reverting back to the time when the church clothed all the nudes in the vatican - the human body is NOT art, it's ugly and BAD (possibly worse then plagerism)
Video games are now GOOD?
ASL people can be just as vocal as the rest of us - atleast when it comes to getting the university president to be removed from office

The High Seas:
Heidi and I should NOT go into the wine business in Africa if we need to export our wine in/around the Horn of Africa, as piracy is quite common

Moral Victory/Getting werdos/crazy people off the streets:
The Lawrencevile, GA father who was charged with aggravated battery and cruelty to children for preforming a female circumsision with a pair of sissors on his 2 year old daughter has finally found out his verdict.
While there may be bazzillions (number up for debate) of uses for duct tape, this is not one of them

I hope this brings some new knowledge to your life.
And just because it's still in my head: Boys Dancing
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