so i'm planning on starting a blog soon (in the next few days) to document the problems and solutions that i've run in to while working on my current programming project. Basically i'm doing this based on 3 ideas/observations.
1) a plain and simple need to give back to the community. I own countless books on programming but I can still honestly say that the majority of the knowlege i have came from poking around on newsgroups, forums, blogs, online tutorials, msdn, et cetera.
2) I'm a C++ programmer at heart. It's where i started (after moving through the intro languages such as Basic (not VB, but basic. Think QBasic, in my case) in my very early life and... well, i guess i can't really put anything else in the same catagory as Basic. But i also learned alot of languages i didn't need like Perl and PHP.
3) There is virtually no online information about C++/CLI (yes, i'm coding against the framework. I know... But honestly, it works for me in the context that i'm working in). Those of you who code on the framework in C++/CLI know that the online examples in C# are pretty easy to translate. All you really have to do is use hats (^) after variables, use gcnew instead of new, and use either :: (in the case of namespaces) or -> (in the case of handles as opposed to . in c#). However, i find that it's easier to learn this stuff in your native language instead of having to translate everything.
I know that there are several of you who are hardcore C fanatics, but... well, shut up. I can't write about something i don't know and you wouldn't want me to anyway.
I digress. It's obvious that very few of my friends are coders and only a small percentage of those friends are into C++. This isn't really for those crowds. I'm hoping i'll reach a broader demographic of non-friends and hopefully make some new friends in the process.
This also ties in with another idea. I'm definately going to delete my LJ account now. I'll leave it up for a week or two while i back it up and just so that this particular post stays around for a bit for those interested that don't happen to see it tomorrow or the next day. I only read my friends page every month or so and when i do, i'm constantly disappointed by the quality of posting. Maybe i'm just looking for different things than you are, but this place Sucks. I realize now that i'm part of the problem so i'm outta here. You can catch my music on Myspace and you can find me the same places you always have. For those of you who don't know:
myspace: v0dk4 wh0r3
msn: t3sture at or chris at
skype: t3sture
cellphone: don't bother. I never answer it.
things i plan to cover in the new blog to start with:
wxWidgets (i'm not using it anymore but i learned alot about it when i did)
Windows Forms (currently using it. Still not quite completely comfortable with it, but i will be soon)
Database access in MySQL and PostgreSQL
Speech recognition and sythesis (both inside Microsoft technologies and outside)
Managed code (including interop)
Cross-platform development (Windows, OS X, and Linux)
Low-level hardware interfaces
MIDI interfacing (with external hardware, not soundard shite)
Microsoft Office interop
Open XML access from C++ (framework and native)
Whatever else i feel like talking about.