I'm letting you know now:
I don't like this existance. Us humans, are not the only thing living here and I know sometimes we forget that. Put aside your relationship problems, your post-secondary choices, your job, your car troubles, whatever. There's other things living here too. Why do we get to 'own' animals? Why do we get to keep a chameleon in an aquarium? Why is there a plant in a pot on the kitchen counter? Where did the trees go that used to be under your apartment complex? No longer are we just "protecting our selves from the weather", we're changing the weather. What do I know. I grew up in all of this. I've never expierenced something 100% natural living. It doesn't matter. I don't want to hear your side of my collective thoughts. If you're going to be one of those "live for the moment", "life's a journey", "why not?" types, I don't care. Good for you. Just don't step on everything else on your way there. Your mother must have forgot about the family of birds that lived in the tree she had cut down in the back yard; because she couldn't "get enough sunlight". You would take bread with you when you went down to the lake or camping to throw at the ducks, making them chase for something that only expands their stomach and gives them nothing nutrious. After the bread would run out, you probably threw rocks, just to see if they would actually eat them.
Japanese Bear Park
"Trees are removed behind Shaw Hall making room for additional parking"