happyy :D

Dec 09, 2004 18:55

Man oh mann. I am sooOoo happy right now. You will not believeee :D Why, you ask? Well allow me to explain..

GOD HAS A WHOLE BUNCH OF CRAZY-FUN-AND-AWESOME-STUFF planned out for me and my family these next couple of weeks. And I am very excited. SO excited in fact, that it tickles my belly just thinking about it.

So. What exactly has God planned out for my future? Well, lets take a look.

1.) A ginormous praise night that will be hosted at my church. tomorrow.  i guarentee that there's gonna be LOTS of






+and of course, funn :D

--Ask me if you wanna come. :)  

2.) Church Christmas program. :D saturday. childrens'/adults' choir will be performing, as well as the college group. they've been practicing night and day and..for countless weekends! boy oh boyyy. this is defffinitely gonna be a night to rememberr. ;]

3.) White Elephant/Secret Santa!!!! (Christmas party with our 9Q fellowship/youthgroup! :D) Dec. 17th hmm..all i know is that its gonna be jam-packed with a whole bunch of..laughter? food! and exchanging presentssss! :) oh! and lottts of worship and sharing time. i dont know about you, but thats definitely my idea of a fun time :D

4.) Our annual skiing trip!! :D Dec. 22-25. oh baby. I've been waiting for this thing for a looOonggg time. and now its almost here!! xD to show you how excited i am. get a load of this!

  yuppp! its me!! :D hahahh jk. if you were smart, you woulda caught that, and known that im not that hot of a skiier. but its ok! i wish i could ski as well as that guy, though. i mean, come on! check out that whole trail of snow behind him! :O awesomeee. hahah owell, its alright. I look just like that in my dreams. so. its all good ;]

5.) Sacromento, here i comeeee! :D Dec. 25-26th. we're spending christmas/celebrating baby Jesus' birthday in sac! :)) yesyesyesss! hahah i got relatives from BOTH SIDES up there ;] yupp. plusss, i get to see all my lovely friends from cbm camp again!! :D man, i dont think it can get any better than this ;D haha danggg, you cannot even begin to imagine how excited i am to see those guys. can't wait! :)

alritey. thats it. :) haha you guys just basically got the cliff-noted version of what God has so wonderfully planned out for me for these next couple of weeks, and i couldn't be more excited :D well, i  hope your guys' christmas break is just as eventful as mine, and if not, i pray that it will be an awesome 2 weeks full of pure chillaxation ;D. hahah ok. God bless!
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