
Mar 10, 2009 17:19

Once again, posting my daily workout. And once again, copy-pasting it from where I orginially posted it. Ignore the questions inlaid within.

30min cardio
frogstand for 1min total, did about 3-5s per set, last set i got 10sec. wrists were hurting more today than yesterday so it was tougher.
handstand for 1min total. first one 11 sec, second 16 seconds, had to rest for a minute, then did 5 sec twice, rested and shook out, and then from my 42sec mark i held a solid handstand until 65sec. very pleased about that last one.
dynamic stretches; these were a great addition to my work out here. i won't list out all of them, but i did 3x10 on every stretch, alternating between sides.

Bench. I was confounded here. Since I was increasing weight I really didn't want to do a free bench. So I tried out this lever-style machine by Strive. I discovered while trying testing how it was that the levers are basically zero weight (counterbalanced from what it looks like) so I tried a 35&5 plate on each side. It was easy. So i did 45 on each side, still easy. I ended up doing 2x25 on each side and did my 3x8 with that.
The bench was slightly inclined, but I had the handles aligned about even with my nipples. So in summary, I think I benched 100lbs today, but I'm skeptical the angle of the bench was causingusing some of my other muscles to work(or I've had bad angles on the other machines preventing my pecs from doing the full work)
3x10 shrugs @ 70lb. going up to 75lb next time.
3x8 22.5lb bicep dumbbell curls. Tried the first set at 25lb but my left arm quit after the 6th rep. On the last set at 22.5lb my left arm gave out at rep 6 again =\ I want to develop symmetrically, so I'm going to stay at 22.5 for my next session with biceps.
3x8 overhead tricep cable pulls w/rope handle @ 30lb. i couldn't do 15lb dumbbells overhead, and doing a single 30lb dumbbell overhead wasnt workign either. but going over to the cable machine and doing 30lb it was doable. i had the pulley set to about waist height; should i have done it at the very bottom?
crunches 3x10 back, left side, right side.
i then tried out a new idea i thought of for my last crunches. i did 5 of my 1-2-3 crunches, then did twists with an 18lb medicine ball, did another 5 1-2-3s and then rested. did this 3 times. I'm hoping this mixture helps stimulate the muscle growth and strengthens my core.
Next were my static stretches. I'm definately feeling more flexibility now. I've gained a few inches spread in my side split attempt (still way off fromt he splits though), and getting much more in my hamstrings.

All in all, I'm feeling good about my progress. Tomorrow is my active rest day, so just doing cardio and stretching. I think I'll do handstands too, but no frogstands to spare my wrists at least a little bit.
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