So yeah, because of unfortunate cirumcstances the trip to the zoo today was cancelled. no biggy.
So I took the day to go out and buy some equipment I've been looking at to help my arms, wrists, and hands get stronger.
A powerball gyroscope:
and a nice grip exerciser:
I spent all day just messing around with these, great exercise. The gyro strains your arm and wrist to force your stabilize muscles to strengthen up. The grip one is, obviously, for grip and fringer strength.
And my mum bought wii fit, so we set it up tonight. It's fun. I'm very happy that the thing assessed my wiifit age as 24. The yoga stuff is fun. I might have to rotate it into my exercise routine.
At any rate, tomorrow Caps play. So I'll go on a walk, mess around with the yro and gripper again, and generally take the day easy. Monday I start up my new classes, and hit the gym for lower body day.